ada booost

We’re still talking about it because his publicist is putting that story out there.

No, the most important question is why police are shooting well over 700 people a year.

I find it even more hilarious that you seem to be under the impression your critical thinking skills are superior to those of Stormfront, just because you’re a Hillary supporter.

Why don’t you have the guts to say directly what you want to say?

What are you really trying to say, racist asshole?

So far this year, 12 kids were killed by police. 3 were white, 3 Hispanic and 6 were black. So white kids getting shot has already happened. Last year, 18 kids were killed by police. 10 of them were white, 5 black and 3 Hispanic.

Yeah, but anything tastes good if you deep fry it like that because it loses all semblance of its original taste. You can deep fry celery or paper candy wrappers and they’d taste great.

Actually they’re not locked up with them. That’s why maximum security prisons exist separate from medium security ones.

Their families are already saving money by not having to pay for the criminal’s food, lodging, medical expenses, etc. Victims got their restitution by the fact that the perpetrator is in jail. They’re not entitled to more.

They endorsed Janet Napolitano.

So now he is a Zionist? What happened to him being an alt-right Nazi?

I’ll take that as a “yes”.

In a good year (or a bad year) you can’t lump flu strain A with flu strain B, to get an inflated number for overall effectiveness. If you read the studies linked on the CDC page, for most years the vaccine is really effective for one strain and not effective for the other.

I didn’t set any original goal posts. I originally stated that felons should not have full citizenship rights. Nothing I said above contradicts that.

You can’t compare the Netherlands to the US.

It did not appear that way, you chose to interpret it that way because it suits your purposes of appearing holier than thou.

I dunno, did you have some “cornish game hens” for dinner around that time?

So just because I don’t remember what John McCain supposedly said in 1992, it means that I can’t recall of what my impression of Cindy McCain was at the time? And I can’t change my impression of her?

Jennifer Aniston’s movie career can be explained the same way Adam Sandler’s can: witchcraft and skullduggery.