ada booost

That sounds like just the kind of asshole I pictured him being in real life. I’ve never met him or Jen, but they both strike me as horrible people.

I dunno, is your wife a snooty beer heiress bimbo with a drug problem that constantly hurls digs at your lower financial status? That’s who the 1992 version of Cindy McCain was.

Yes. The 1992 version of Cindy does not appear to me to be a nice person, although she has changed a lot since then.

Some freedoms may be restricted, but you can’t lose them completely.

I think that just reinforces their point.

On Thursday, he will deliver the Edwin L. Godkin Lecture, discussing “the lack of economic and social mobility in the United States and his ideas for addressing those challenges,

Sure I do.

All of them get along because it’s a mutually beneficial relationship.Nowhere but in politics can you make so much money for doing such little actual work.

The fact that they don’t is its own problem and unrelated to how prisoners are treated.

contains viruses that are either inactivated (“dead”) or chopped into pieces.

This is not believable. At all.

They should have health care, drug treatment, psychiatric therapy, nurishing food, education, job training...

It’s not dodging to call out your hyperbole. You could have stopped and expanded on treating people like human beings, and balanced that out with the need to repay their debt to society.

As shocking as it may be to you, no in 2008 I didn’t read the gossip rag or believe any of the garbage curated by Huffington Post opinion writers. Even more shocking, no I don’t remember what John McCain said about his wife in 1992.

How much better could our society be if we treated prisoners not only like human beings but actually like citizens

It’s a fact? Based on what? Police reports that you also argue under-report incidents because of racism and sexism in the police force?

Maybe the better question is what person in Congress or Senate doesn’t think their spouse is a bitch? Only John McCain and Elizabeth Warren come to mind.

No, but I also don’t think it’s worth talking about calling women pigs, black kids superpredators and voters deplorables.

By breaking the law, they lost the rights of being treated like citizens.

I don’t mind the accent. If the “feud” with Donald started the way this article describes, then I’m team nobody.