ada booost

How does it make more sense?

I don’t think this is adequate. What if I am triggered by the sign? You didn’t warn me there’s going to be a sign.

Blaming a whole religion/region of the world is wrong.

I had no idea that Gabor was on Green Acres. I thought she just did movies.

For a brief, joyous moment I thought the video was about Melania Trump flipping a pancake.

When you spend 30 days jet setting around the country at fund raisers nonstop, you tend to keel over eventually.

It’s not misreading to call out Silver for being inconsistent.
If a weather forecaster was wildly swinging in his predictions for what the weather was going to be like, would you still say he is good at his job?

There is no point in factoring in the Electoral College. They’re a separate kettle of fish. They are not beholden to the popular vote. The popular vote is what counts, to people who want to know what the country actually thinks.

Before your troll accusation, you were winding up to call me a troll, a bigot and a person who doesn’t care about the rights of others.

For him to say that, he would have to reveal what his algorithm is, or come up with reasons why stats-based reasons why the algorithms are faulty.

Here’s a question. Theoretically, Nate’s model is empirical in nature, based on past results, raw data, and economic fundamentals. If that model says the race is a dead heat ... why does he need pundit-y campaign narrative reasons to explain it?

The very fact that you felt the need to use my background as an insult reinforces my low opinion of you.

I didn’t mislead you. You betrayed your own prejudice, and then called me a troll based on the fact that you don’t like my opinions and that I said I was Canadian. I hold dual citizenship and consider myself Canadian because I don’t spend much time in the US, and it’s no longer a country whose values reflect my own,

I have dual nationality and will be voting in the US election, champ.

Your naivete is adorable, if you seriously believe that if Hillary gets elected the Democrats are going to win a majority anywhere.

Sorry, but I am not inclined to listen to people that have no credibility. A Trump presidency is supposed to re-emerge the dark ages? You mean to tell me that the Presidency you have been excusing as powerless under the Obama administration is magically going to turn powerful and rule with an iron fist?

Please, for the love of God shut the fuck up already because your hysteria and insults are tiresome.

It wasn’t $100K, it was millions. Why am I delusional if I’m wondering how many of the people/businesses who successfully did business with State were also donors to the foundation? Why am I delusional if I think that selling out to foreign interests in the leisure industry is preferable to selling out to foreign

There’s nothing irrational about my distrust of Clinton or Trump. A guy who scams people into buying steaks or staying at his hotel is not as dangerous as a woman who scams people into approving uranium deals with Russia and arms deals with Saudi Arabia. Uranium can kill me,but overpriced hotels can’t.

If it’s illegal, then he should be investigated and prosecuted for it.