ada booost

I’m not outraged by that at all. Why should I be outraged that a scam university wasn’t investigated when there are thousands of places like it, that are not only scams but have the VA seal of approval to bilk veterans?

You’re going to be actively harmed by the Presidency you have been saying is powerless for 8 years of the Obama administration? LOL.

So I should be outraged that Trump used charity money to buy a giant portrait of himself and football helmet.

The day I discovered that I could break vitamin e capsules and Aspirin and smear them on my face is the day I stopped looking for breakout solutions at the drug store.

The day I discovered that I could break vitamin e capsules and Aspirin and smear them on my face is the day I

Look, you can argue politely until your fingers bleed.

I didn’t say HRC was the same as Trump. I said their policies on Israel are the same.

Reference checks are the responsibility of the RCMP.

Before lecturing us from who Ministers take their marching orders, maybe you should go back to high school and learn who appoints Ministers in a parliamentary democracy. People born 1979 should not be this ignorant about government and then have the balls to claim that their ignorance stands.

Not actively and aggressively escalating xenophobia and colonialism is the best out country seems to be able to muster

Appointed by the elected Prime Minister.

It’s controversial to interview a person who doesn’t even buy her wardrobe there. It’s controversial to try to make her look like a spokesperson for a brand when she’s never done. It makes no sense for her to do that.

Well, not everyone is so evolved and fashion forward to shop at American Apparel, who promote child porn, or Lululemon, who promote Ayn Rand.

What snow is he talking about? Cocaine.

In Canada, Ministers are appointed. If they pass the RCMP background checks, they get their position. There is no confirmation process, like under the US system.

Paying lip service to something you never follow through to agree on paper on is not centrism.

Congress didn’t fund them on their own accord. Even the WaPo acknowledges that this was Obama’s doing and you’re trying to argue differently. Get your head out in the real world, champ.

Nothing. Elections Canada (with a different minister) is already tasked with maintaining democratic institutions, i.e. ensuring that no election fraud, gerrymandering, etc. occurs.

She is further right than Obama, and called his settlement freeze policy a tactical mistake. I don’t recall her ever speaking up for Palestinian rights or supporting (even half hardheartedly) their bid to UN membership.