ADabOfOppo; Gone Plaid (Instructables Can Be Confusable)

I, for one, do not welcome our new slideshow normalizing overlords. 

this comparison of oranges to Numpty is offensive to oranges. I like oranges. Maybe a rotted jack-o-lantern/pumpkin filled with poison is better.

Not to mention that the WH is using tax-payer money to fund their campaign.

These aren’t even real weights; they’re just cardboard cut-outs. Not to mention that the WH is using tax-payer money to fund their campaign.

Jesus stupid christ. Trucks are made to carry loads. Just like we do, if there’s no load, you don’t need a truck, and if there’s no regulation, you don’t need to live because you’ll be dead from all the dirty water and air pollution and unaffordable healthcare and medicine and and and and....

You have a lot more faith in the voting population than I do.

Just 100 more days until this clown car of an administration gets voted out of office.  

Yea, he’s an example of a person who made money and assumed it made him right.

The inability to see systemic racism and to actively defend it makes someone racist.

He called BLM - literally a movement that began as hope that, just maybe, America could assign the same value to Black Lives as they do white ones - a domestic terrorist organization.

I really want to make a joke about Vettel being able to spin this situation to work in his favor, but you know what? Fuck that. Seb’s a really good guy. Pretty much the first to stand in solidarity with Lewis. Exposed the VSC flaw rather than just try and exploit it. He’s a goober and can get hot-headed, but I’ve

So, this guy tries to proactively protect himself from abuse on a platform with a tool that utilizes the platform’s built-in mechanics and *he’s* the one who gets banned? Absolutely terrible. Social media platforms need to get off their “All Sides Are Equal” high horse and realize that their policies of letting people

STFU. And then STFU again. Fucking idiot.

On multiple occasions I’ve seen writers in the comments saying that they aren’t a fan of the slideshow format, so yeah, I’d say you guessed correctly.

My trick on Firefox is to hit the “Next” button to get to the second slide, which’ll tack a slide number onto the end of the URL, then I just replace the “2" in that

There’s pretty much zero chance anyone in charge of the technology side of these sites or anyone who dictates that the slideshow feature be used reads these comments. I can’t say for sure, but I’d guess the writers hate them as much as we do.

Nobody’s talking about “babies” here, ya scam artist.
The comment/convo is about embryos and fetuses.

Louder for the people in the back:

No, you don’t.

Or “I like Black people, please tell the cops to stop killing Black people so there can be more of them....”

The first and best rule of Social Media is “Never Post”