ADabOfOppo; Gone Plaid (Instructables Can Be Confusable)

Sport Compact Car > All other magazines.

I have had zero reason to buy a printed magazine since the death of our dearly beloved Sport Compact Car. That Motor Trend is has survived both SCC and Super Street proves there is no benevolent deity invested in humanity’s well-being.


The Bible is instructive only for those who choose to follow it. It is not the definitive anything for the billions of people who have other thoughts on faith or religion.


Your smug, self-important assumption that everyone believes the same set of values as you is why the church is failing miserably in the US. There are billions of people who do not ascribe to the teachings of the Bible. That you assume they are somehow not worthy of ‘salvation’ under your personally chosen standards is

It is a very detailed historical record and the authoritative source for salvation.”*

The Forza Horizon series has taught me that there is most certainly several million dollars worth of very rare vintage racecar in the small shed that can be restored in an impossibly short amount of time. 

That crazy VW trike they almost built. 

The Range Rover Sport SVR. It’s just obscene. Nothing that large should move that well or be that fun to drive, nor sound that good. And it goes absolutely against everything current. But it is such an experience to drive one, like the LC500, you just forget about the seal-clubbing fuel economy figures and giggle at

I approve of this message. 

Two years ago I had similar issues. Haven’t found a concrete diagnosis but I do know that avoiding gluten, dairy, soy, and FODMAPs helps me stay normal.

Yes, all that is true. But anyone could have seen how that project was going to go from the outset. There is a reason that no one else has ever tried a center-mid engine, 1000HP, hybrid FWD LMP1 car before.

They did. At Le Mans even. It did not go well. 

The Red October pic is amazing.

I don’t want my face on a Wheaties box. I’d want my face on a Rice Krispies box; Snap, Crackle, Mitch, and Pop.

Hell yes Homestar Runner!

Motorsport has long been fraught with moral dilemma. 

It was more a general statement than a specific comment on Hamilton.

Doing something helpful > not doing anything at all.