Maybe it lost the way?
Maybe it lost the way?
That you think they are paid too much isn’t a truth. It’s just your opinion. They get paid that much because that is what they were able to negotiate. Too much or too little doesn’t enter into the picture. Only that they have been able to bargain for that amount.
Thanks for this, Jason.
Fuck them for wanting to have the same thing you do then.
So instead of trying to figure out why they have it better than you, you deride them for having a better deal?
No mention of Luigi Colani passing?
Destiny is amazingly inconsistent. But what Bungie did and does get right can be so good that it is impossible to give up on what is there.
Careful, don’t cut yourself on that edge.
Armor in D2 is all designed by Mugatu. It’s derelíct! Or Space-homeless chic.
How many solid sterling silver dinner sets can one abscond, er borrow, and pack in the trunk?
Headrests aren’t supposed to be pillows. They are entirely for whiplash prevention.
Drop the current NX300 engine in that, turbo and all, and leave the rest as is.
Admitting we need to change means admitting that something is wrong. And Boomers will not ever admit they are wrong about anything.
Nothing else says Freedom! like a sweaty vag draped in conspicuous flag-code violations.
People on the internet suck.
I only hope there are raisins involved somehow; even if only as an inside joke for D1 veterans.
Pffft. I’d sink an entire continent.
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