They still have their NASCAR Camry racecars in the game.
They still have their NASCAR Camry racecars in the game.
Poly-D does have a few modern cars, but nothing like the previous back catalog seen in games before.
Judging by how they have effectively removed all their production cars from the Forza series, I would venture they are not easy to convince.
Airbags, crumple-zones, and 5-Star Safety Ratings don’t just happen with magic. Lament “the good old days” of paper-thin steel and using your face to stop in a collision all you want. I’d rather be in a modern, safer car.
The videos are nigh on impossible to find, but Nat Geo Australia made a 4-part docu-series featuring Warren Brown (of TG Australia seasons 1-2 fame) following him and a few other teams of people running that rally in 2005 using pre-war cars-that’s cars built prior to WW1; there was an original Dutch Spyker in the…
Though to be fair, isn’t Lucy Liu brilliant in every role she gets?
Can the Dems pull the exact same tactics as Bitch “I am fucking coward” McTurtleface?
Running Man wasn’t even a good movie, and these assholes want to LARP that world, and are evil enough to force the rest of us to let them have their infantile playtime.
“Today, we have an ignorant billionaire narcissist leading our government...”
Your comment is funny, in that TCO did, in point of fact compose a score for the old Russian silent movie “Man With A Movie Camera”.
Who would you guys recommend as similar to The Cinematic Orchestra?
Agreed. I sincerely wish for their deaths, as they are little more than parasites, hoarding wealth like Smaug and using oxygen and water that would better serve everyone else. Kill them and take all their money and give it to the poor. Wait, redistribute their wealth first, then watch them rage stroke and die from the…
Kudos on your username. That is one of my favorite Peter Sellers movies.
That has been their goal for a while.
Well, obviously. Jesus clearly said that is what we should do with his command to “render unto Caesar”.
On a lighter note, I adore your MST3K reference for a username.
You say that, but in college on a whirlwind tour of Europe over the course of 8 days, my tour group and a stereotypical-in-every-bad-way pair of ladies from Texas with us. The more vocal of the two absolutely could not fathom the reality she was seeing that other parts of the world did not, in fact, look like, nor…
Thank you, as ever, for being so on point.
Fuck yeah new Chvrches album!
Oh, aren’t they ever quick to cite that passage about the money lenders when it justifies their stance on perpetual war; “See, Jesus had a temper! That means we can shoot brown people, obviously.”