ad infinitum

I actually find the idea of an omnipotent creator profoundly disturbing. Because if such a thing existed, all the suffering and horror in the world isn’t the result of a non-sentient, uncaring universe, but rather the cruelty (or, if you prefer, apathy) of the god that allowed it — and continues to allow it, every

Of course they’re angry. This isn’t how it’s supposed to work. Wealthy, politically connected white men are supposed to be able to abuse women — and do just about anything else they want — with impunity, and these men have counted on that privilege their whole lives. It’s terrifying, and infuriating, that a little

Ruby’s Diner had buffalo cauliflower on the menu for a while, and it was incredibly good. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a permanent menu addition.

For this round I think the most hypocritical award goes to Flake, Murkowski, Collins and — after his “Look, ma! I do care about sexual assault!” speech — Sasse. Lindsey Graham never pretended to give a shit about the allegations and made no bones about his outrage at the very idea that attempted rape could have

None of this matters. That’s what’s so infuriating and demoralizing. It doesn’t matter what he did. It doesn’t matter how much he lied. It wouldn’t matter if he declared his intention to make rape legal, repeal the 13th and 19th amendments and make Trump supreme dictator for life. The vast majority and quite possibly

Kavanaugh could rape a woman on live TV, and most (if not all) Republicans in the Senate would keep right on singing his praises and crying about his victimization.. And he wouldn’t lose a single evangelical supporter. He might even gain a few.

Corker seemed to get frustrated, telling them: “Look, I know this is enjoyable to y’all,”

Remember back in 2016 when all the liberal men who violently hated Hillary Clinton claimed they couldn’t be misogynists because they loved Elizabeth Warren and would vote for her in a nanosecond? Color me unsurprised how quickly that support is drying up now that her candidacy is actually a possibility. She was much

It doesn’t even matter if you have proof, a lot of the time. Short of a video of the rape itself or statements from multiple male witnesses (because bitches lie, obviously), prosecutors are generally going to decline to prosecute. And prosecutors don’t even see many the cases, because the police are the first line of

I was sexually assaulted at an informal gathering in high school. I can remember the attack and the aftermath in vivid detail, but I couldn’t tell you the date or name everyone who was there. I couldn’t even tell you exactly where it happened, because we’d been driving around and I’m not sure where we ended up. I

Very fond of this:

This whole thing is seriously triggering for me.

I’ve never heard of 7-Up pancakes, but I have friends who love 7-Up cake. When I lived in Chicago, I’d see them in grocery store bakeries fairly regularly.

So unbelievably beautiful. I lived just down the hill for about a year and a half, and I miss the area like crazy (and I suspect my dogs do, too). Here’s a couple of pics I snapped at sunset a few years ago:

Is that at the Point Vicente lighthouse? I love that area so much!

I read a comment a while back that said, basically, “If you look at American politics like a game of chess, Republicans have set the house on fire, and Democrats are still sitting at the table trying to be polite and play by the rules.” I think that’s painfully, depressingly apt, and it shows no chance of changing any

Conservative types seem to think “always believe the women” is synonymous with “do not automatically disbelieve, attack and shame the women.” 

It sounds like the DA is much more to blame than the judge. He made the plea deal, while the judge just accepted it.

OTOH, you kind of have to appreciate that his entire justification for his anti-2A claim is “Come on.” That’s some next-level reasoning.

Misusing “who” isn’t really an issue, both because misuse is ubiquitous and because the objective case often sounds wrong even when it’s technically correct. But misusing “whom” is just embarrassing.