ad infinitum

It’s not just that people “aren’t using Bryant’s sexual assault allegations as the lede.” It’s that journalists are literally being punished for mentioning them at all. The Washington Post suspended Felicia Sonmez for not having the good taste to join the rest of the media in pretending the rape never happened. That’s

Per the writer: “This wasn’t a financial story, it was a classic Vanity Fair profile of a society figure.” The whole “out of place” thing was just Carter’s excuse back in 2015, before he settled on his current (and completely contradictory) story.

For a long time whenever anyone searched “Marc Lepine” in Google, the first auto suggestion was “Marc Lepine hero.” It’s still one of the top suggestions. And for awhile there was a movement to create a national holiday is his honor.

I was calling it The Man Cave, but the Mulaneys told me that if I call it that they will no longer be my friend,” he added, “So, now I call it The Basement like The Ohio State University. I don’t like that college. It’s the ‘the’ that’s the important part.”

A lot of them are monsters too.

Much like all the men pretending they’re too scared to hire or work with women in the wake of Me Too.

I’ve never really understand how angry people get about the concept of meatless options. McDonald’s and Burger King aren’t ever going to stop offering beef burgers, so what’s the point in being offended that they also offer veggie options? A lot of people don’t eat meat. A lot more people limit their meat consumption.

Yeah, this is a seriously weird hill people are choosing to die on. If he hadn’t been warned that porn was not welcome in his parents’ home and informed of what his parents would do if they found it, he would have a valid complaint. But he was warned, he was told exactly what happen if he ignored that warning, and he

Tomatoface used to be quality troll. Annoying as fuck, obviously, but incredibly good at concern trolling in a way that fooled a lot of people, and the obscure tomato reference thing was just funny. If this actually is Tomato face, they’re a pale imitation of their former self.

I grew up in Hawaii, where rice is typically served with an ice cream scoop, and the non-sticky stuff just seems wrong to me. As a kid I was baffled by Uncle Ben’s commercials.

I know way too many, mostly because I’ve been binging on news/politics Twitter since the run-up to the 2018 election. Clearly I need to reconsider my life choices.

That’s really what it comes down to. Hotness is the only thing Trump values in women, so he can’t even conceive of a compliment that doesn’t focus on being hot.

Spinal surgery for my dog. 100,000% worth it.

This is actually an unfortunate issue — since most non-asshole vegans don’t feel the need to talk endlessly about their eating habits (many, in fact, actively avoid talking about it, because the response is rarely positive), people just assume they don’t exist.

I went to a liberal arts college. And I live in Southern California now. I’ve still met way people who are furious that vegetarians/vegans exist and love to expound on the subject than evangelical vegetarians/vegans. Most of the vegetarians and vegans I know actively avoid talking about the subject because they’re so

The knee-jerk fury on the subject is very odd. I get that evangelical vegans (and vegetarians — there’s plenty of knee-jerk fury about them as well) are as annoying as fuck, but as you note below, there are way fewer of them than there are evangelical anti-vegans. Even in Southern California, which is way friendlier

If that’s the case, a link to the existing story would be really helpful.

Fucking Hugh Hewitt had an op-ed in the Washington Post yesterday declaring that we finally have the Supreme Court we need, one that will never overreach and will focus on what’s important, preserving individual liberties.

I’m here to serve you, master. And ... Satan!

In the early days of Gawker, we got a lot of long, whiny threads full of people claiming that their $250,000–$500,000/year salaries qualified them as “lower middle class,” because after they bought all the luxury items they wanted, they didn’t have anything left over! I have a vivid memory of one woman claiming she