I would think not!
I would think not!
One of mine loves sugar snap peas, and they’re both crazy for chickpeas.
100% with you. I don’t eat meat, because I can get everything I need without it. My dogs do, because they can’t.
My dog trained himself to use the litter box!
It’s funny —when I first adopted my dog (a stray who’d clearly had an owner), it became very obvious that his past owner had shared certain foods with him. He never begged, but whenever I made burgers or hot dogs, he just expected he was going to get some, and he was very confused and annoyed when he didn’t. He had…
Very, very ugly.
I lose my appetite when it gets really hot, and I can’t deal with anything heavy, so I usually just end up eating raw fruits and vegetables (lots and lots of berries and stone fruit in the summer). Or I’ll make a smoothie with mango, pineapple, banana, orange juice and lime or pineapple sherbet — more dessert than…
Small govenment is for Democrats. The same way deficits are only bad when the president is a Democrat.
John Oliver has a great piece on just how much bullshit is involved in the Miss America organization’s claims about scholarships:
I hate to be so fatalistic, but I don’t think there is one. This guy could say release a notarized statement saying he believes rape should be legal, the country needs to return to the days of Jim Crow and anyone who isn’t willing to declare that Jesus Christ is their savior should be jailed or deported and he…
Voting for an imperfect candidate is WAY more self-indulgent than not voting at all!
Pretending that everyone has access to rare and vastly exaggerated resources isn’t being proactive. It’s fantasizing.
You seem to be laboring under the delusion that everyone lives near a free clinic, that free clinics are open 24/7 and take patients with no wait time, and that everyone has immediate access to transportation. That would be wonderful, but it bears no resemblance to the world we actually live in.
This has always been the case with Twitter. They’re really quick to suspend or ban people of color, women, trans people, etc., when white people/men/cis people/etc. say they feel threatened by someone in the marginalized group, no matter how mild the content of the supposed threat. But they routinely say that…
Also damned good waffle fries, damned good lemonade (made fresh —sometimes you actually find seeds in it) and unbelievable frozen lemonade (their lemonade mixed with their soft serve, like the most delicious lemonade milkshake you can imagine). I don’t even eat chicken any more, but once in awhile I’ll still go for…
Univision is chopping its editorial budget and offering buyouts: https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2018-06-20/univision-is-said-to-offer-buyouts-to-gizmodo-media-employees.
And misogynists. Rape and sexual assault happen to bitches, not real men. So if a man gets raped or sexually assaulted, it just proves he’s a bitch. Never mind that Terry Crews could take them apart with both hands tied behind his back.
This week the Supreme Court decided that it’s unconstitutional to force fake doctors to tell women the truth, but totally constitutional to force real doctors to lie to them. That’s the court we have right now. And it’s about to become so much worse.
I took an 18th century American history class in college. The prof began the first lecture by making us all stand up and then saying, “Repeat after me: The Civil War was about slavery.”
Also “There were no people. Only Indians lived there.” Which isn’t a character speaking — it’s presented as a narrative truth.