Ad Man Gamer

Want to sue someone? Theirs and app for that!

@Dougiefresh91: They make office for mac's, so I doubt it. why go for 80% of the market, when you can have the hole pie.

"good artists copy, grate artists steel"

@sudo rm -rf /: The fact companys can do that is just crazy.

@k2001: Apple did not invent multi-touch, and I find it disgusting that they patented a technology that has been around for years.

@Hellaphunt: Irony in all its deelishis glory!

Am I the only one here, that sang this in my head with GLaDOS's voice?

@orangesrhyme: Ah... The good old paradox. But I think one theory goes that once the act is done, you slip into an alternative reality. The other stays the same, just with every one wondering WTF happened to you from the date you went back in time.

AT LAST!!! A reviewer with some balls. give them hell Joel.

@Hell_yawn: I thought all the tea" belonged to Britain.

*Insert masturbation joke here.*

Reminds me of the time /letter/ hacked Youtube by injecting Java script into the comments. It made it so that no comments would show, apart from one peace of rolling text. They hit Bieber hard that day!

Final quest... Childes Play

@abeeee: They already are! I have seen two threads this week doing an invasion on them.

Ha ha! but you guys are not aware of why this is happening. I'm not going to say to much, But I will say this. Its not about piracy per say, but about the last scrap of privacy you have left. If you think Googles bad, then do you want your ISP watching all the sites you go on? and you know them talks about copying and

@AqueousBeef: Your not alone. Giz is trying to bump up page clicks. That was the game, and we lost it.

Poor little Jim. He was walking is dog that night, and the poor thing evaporated in a puff of smoke. Now Jim will grow up into one of them annoying twits, that constantly go on about how aliens are going to kill us all! Well done NASA.

"So this coming Facebookization of the mobile space is apparently just some world dominating software platform."