Ad Man Gamer

@wes.rast: I think we are the "oh, wait. Crap"

So your saying that these snails are chavs, and now their women are becoming chavettes?

@ctxppc: If the phone promises a talk time. Then you would expect to get that performance without another expense.

Greenpeace. Just shut up! Saying that a company (that is not even in the same business as the other party) can force there will on to another company is just ludicrous.

Don't let the combine know about this! If the manhacks get this upgrade, then not even freemen can survive a swarm of these things.

DAM IT! theirs me thinking an actual portal storm was brewing.

Texting wile driving is bad enough. so, LETS ADD THE INTERNET TO ARE CARS!!!

Photo 49 reminds me of the scene in half life 2 episode 2, where the Citadel is in ruins. And their is a portal storm going off where it once stud.

@Tom_Servo: Wow. You just insulted a dyslexic for having bad grammar. You are one funny guy. :D

You call that trolling? in /g/ we troll all the ignorant pansys hard.

@Bassem B.: I believe he let his kids name his company. that's what I've herd anyway.

@orev: "And it *is* just a cover for racism."

@doktavian: Yeah... You see it floating around /gif/ time to time. What a moron!

WIN!!! If apple starts to become even less douchey in the next year or two. I may buy my first apple product.

Nexus any one?

NO!!! You will bring the squirrelly wrath upon us all!

@bbeesley: She is the queen! All the servers are hers to control!!!

"hello 4chan!"... Hi. Don't worry, where cooking something up. }:)
