Ad Man Gamer

I think there is one thing many people forget about Anonymous. Anonymous is one the only groups that can both deny and accept responsibility for an attack, and still be telling the truth... You see what many people forget is that anonymous is a collective. although some members in the group would disagree with Sony's

*Sprays tea out of mouth*

@AcingAndrew: To be honest. removing bloatware is pretty easy to do considering that Windows contains no programs when you do a fresh install. it's just a case of going into my programs and uninstalling everything. and WALA! clean windows install :P.

@HK-47: I can see your point... But again, the publishers are the ones that set the price for each currency. At least that is my understanding.

@HK-47: Just so you know. Valve don't set the price, the publishers do. Valve just get 10%( or something like that) from the sail.

Oh boohoo... If I recall, brick and mortar stores left PC gaming for dead.

So you can patent putting a magnet on something? I have a magnet on a string. No one else can put a magnet on a string because I have patented it!

@Umbreon: But... Who would be running the servers? Are you suggesting a self running google with no employees?

What ever you do. Don't tell 4chan!

AHHH! Apple, you did not invent multitouch, and its been around since the 90s. Now GTFO!

Soldered on RAM... This is a big floor! If your ram becomes faulty or you wish to level it up, you can't just buy a £30 stick and repair/upgrade it.

@Pook365: Just like in the UK! But the down side is if a cabal is damaged, your street is blocked off for a week or two as they fix the cabals. I'm sure the repair costs are more expensive as well.

Just to be clear, wiring in a plain is well RF protected. If a iPad could take down a plane, then all the radio waves that saturate the air would have no problem grounding it.

The only form of privacy you have on the internet is with anonymity and a proxy server.

For people who can't get it to work. You need to install WinPcap. Then restart fire fox and it should run fine.

For people who are having a problem getting it to work. You need to install WinPcap if your running windows.

@Cow: Nice execution of rule 39. But you should always remember rule 40.

@Ad Man Gamer: Update... Terns out I was wrong. windows 8 will probably have some inspiration from singularity, but will most likely still have the NT kernel.

I think I've seen somewhere that windows 8 (Midori) will be based off their singularity OS.