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Did you know god does this. AND MORE!!!

@Adam In Texas: You mean the firm wear in the Google street view cars?

Mmm. I can see how easy it may be to hack a real gun on that thing. MILITARY HARDWARE!!! Yay.

AAAA! I hate "god of the gaps". People are now starting to shift what god did to make the universe, to another unprovable claim. unfortunately this can go on forever.

Now make a chain with all 10,000,000,000,000 digits

@Deltido: If you live in the UK, then you will understand. Bloody chavs and yobs all over the place. 80% of the time, a hood = a gangster wannabe, who thinks yelling insults at you from two blocks away, makes them tough and bad ass.

It sounds like that girl was not very rational, and just lets her emotions drive her like a drunk monkey in a bulldoze her.

The guest additions kill's VB's usb support for some reason.

WOW!!! We live in that mess? How the hell are we still alive.

@Divine-Shadow: Apple did not invent the tablet you know. They have bean out for years in the form of a laptop with a rotatable screen. The iPad and other tablets are the equivalent of what the all in one is to PC's. e.g., iMacs

I was reading a book™ and my friend looked at my face™. I was eating a mackintosh™ apple™ at the time™ so I looked kind of dumb. Later I picked up my droid™, turned off the light™ and went on a massacre with my sabre™. The cops came and used some hard force™ to restrain me.

@iceph03nix: Its there waist products that are the problem. Not the roach its self.

Why... Why has humanity sunk so low?

What about 4chan? We all use the name anonymous over there.

Why people download

I don't believe in all that supernatural jargon. Their for I shall torrent them books all I like.

@Steel Fox: new grounds is more of a community then a flash game site. I don't think they will make a mobile site, but they may make a mobile collection or add a new portal.