
But is there a seat for every ass?

Gaping holes that need to be filled. By, uh. Data. Yeah.

5 Hot Abortion Tricks That Will Stimulate His Legislation

How are they waking up?

As a man, everything i do in my free time is weighed against masturbating. I'm constantly asking myself, "Would this time be better spent masturbating?"

The potential with this is endless.

Being quirky is fine. Describing yourself as quirky means you're probably insufferably tedious.

I speak corporate. Let me translate for you. When he says , "[w]e kinda realized who are we to judge how interesting someone is, and we've grown up and moved away from that infantile behavior," that means "we realized we weren't making bank and doing so requires more ad targets." Also, ad targets means users.

So "Quirky" = Hipster.


Are you saying that the 'Right of Free Speech' should somehow mean that people can't get upset at you for the things that you say?

I do, but I do it with my eyeballs, and lock that shit in my brain. And I do it in plain sight, and not behind bushes. It's a lot less creepy that way.

The next church barbecue is going to be really uncomfortable. - Some real tense moments when reaching for more Tater-Tot Casserole.

The "dismiss" option should be done away with - it is a tool meant to get rid of trolling or personal attack posts, but it seems to me that 95% of the time it is used - especially here - it is used simply to get rid of a post that the dismissor simply disagrees with. You can post a factual and intelligient response,

No, it's not their job. They investigate crime, interrogate, arrest, etc. Determining who is a dormant mass murderer and who is just plain weird would the job description of a mental health professional and/or psychic.

This explains why my cat and I just lay around all weekend, and why I've started puking up hairballs on the carpet.


Team Fortress 2: Medieval Mode: The Game