
He's right. If the public had gotten wind of this, there might have been a few rounds of debate. And, as we've learned, the Braves almost never make it past the first round.

It's an earpiece monitor. Lots of musicians use them for everything from click tracks (to stay in time) to the actual song to sing along to. Shit gets loud up on stage and you gotta be able to hear what's happening over the wall of noise.

Adam Silver: Dick, we're so happy to have you in the League! And with your basketball experience, it's a perfect fit!

Just out of curiosity, I checked out the website. Her outfit is likely for the Fall/Winter collection, which isn't online yet, but there are lots of good deals on the Spring/Summer collection.

You wouldn't think we could put a price on dignity, yet here we are.

She looks like the type that's probably ok with anal, but not ok with getting glazed, so I'm guessing she didn't like getting Peter North'd.

"I did things with you that you wanted me to do!"

Noooo ... but oh my word, they're a 'thing' in the UAE and I ... just ... can't stand it.

So this malady shows us all the drawbacks to perpetual infancy when it arises by chance in the broken machinery of our tissues.

Meh, he's got plenty of insides. He'll be okay.

M. Night Shyamalan Plot Twist: The Segway has a better completion percentage that Tebow.

That'd be hilarious. Some guy comes all the way to England for a suit and instead of sending him to Brooks Brothers you send him to a button shop. "But sir, when I asked if you had need of a haberdashery you did say yes..."

A poor use of the word authentic on my part. I was trying to refer to restaurants serving simple food that don't act like they deserve an award because they made their own hamburger patties or salsa. Or were you referring to something else?

Sure it starts here, but this is where it ends up...

Not all men!


I was raised next door to a gay couple. I don't know how old I was, but I remember saying the word "fag" in front of my mom. She explained to me that fag is a bad word for gay people and I shouldn't say that. I asked her what gay people are and she told me that Rob and Larry are gay. She said: "Well they love each

"Hey, kid! Put down your Gameboy. Pay attention to this. Now leave the room because I don't want you watching it!"