I saw the note about the rally being moved to DC and did a double-take. There’s no way that isn’t a calculated escalation by a party that desperately wants shit to go sideways.
I saw the note about the rally being moved to DC and did a double-take. There’s no way that isn’t a calculated escalation by a party that desperately wants shit to go sideways.
Oh man, life is tough, eh? Your wife felt left out during an episode of Today, and now you might actually have to parent your child. Put your fucking feet up and have a drink, you’ve earned it, Superman!
You’re making the assumption that his goal is to stop illegal immigration, rather than rile up his rootin’ tootin’ base with dog-whistles and jingoism.
Lordy, don’t remind me. Although, I’ve got my fingers crossed for another Alberta upset.
Also, given how little he’s loved up here, not a great time to remind Canadians that this is a thing we can do.
Relax, everyone. Pruitt obviously just wants to release the evil spirits that eventually come to inhabit all Trump™ Brand mattresses with purifying fire and bind them to himself as familiars.
Conspiracy theory: cancelling the Korea summit will merely be a ploy to increase the collectors’ value of the commemorative coin
It’s the artifact inter-dimensional travelers from our universe will use to prove to others that we are from a far darker place.
It is definitely one of those goose-bumpy songs for me. Although we could probably open a dialogue on colonial perceptions of the Arctic based on some of the lyrics...
Thanks! It’s 99.9% sitting at a desk and 0.1% actual fieldwork (that I’m desperately trying to get in shape for), but I’m an extremely lucky duck.
Off the top of my head, I don’t know what it looks like today. However, if it’s been damaged, I would put it down to human action, rather than the elements. The Arctic is surprisingly kind to a big pile of rocks. There are tent rings (circles of stones used to hold down tents) dating back 3000 years still visible, and…
Ah yes, the ‘long-forgotten, lonely cairn of stones’. And the note that...escalates quickly.
For some reason, when I watched this episode, I didn’t get that Silna’s wandering necessarily meant death, but I suppose you must be right.
At first I thought ‘bilgiest’ was a typo, but then my years of reading Age of Sail adventure novels kicked in, and realized that trump is, indeed, bilgy.
As far as I understand, if you use a word enough, autocorrect won’t attempt to change it (see: my phone, the word ‘fuck’). Either he types her name so rarely, that the phone has not adapted, or he was tweeting from a fresh phone. I’m going with option A, although the idea of his ‘regular’ phone being under lock and…
You guys, I know this is cold comfort, but my big old bleeding Canadian heart is so sorry for what’s going on down south, and for how your politicians do not seem to give a shit about the safety of your children. I know that it all boils down to the money that people who make guns pour into politics, because common…
Either that, or he was working his second job out at the local wetland interpretive center a-wranglin’ gators for elementary school field trips when the call came in.
I think it’s so nobody mistakes him for Jeb!.
Oh, I’m familiar. I was just referring to your go-getter approach to extracting confessions/property, that, despite being 400 years old, seems pretty much in step with today’s administration.