
We got some boomer humour here, folks.

There should be a rolling chyron of submitted names in full at the bottom of the roachfest livefeed.

I bet Pence calls them “chicken chests” to avoid lustful thoughts.

Lordy. As a top-heavy lady, I could have told poor Mother the colour blocking, not to mention the (shudder) floral belt on that dress would make her look like a mid-century Frigidaire. Fuck, just throwing a decent black blazer over that back-of-the-Talbot’s nightmare would be an improvement.

At least with a contractor, you know he’s never going to finish early.

Seriously. Equal parts water and sugar to 2 parts cranberries. Dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil, add berries, boil again, reduce to simmer for 10 mins.

The little patch of loofah-reddened scalp confronting him as he wiped condensation from the bathroom mirror/Biden 2020

For those nights when you want to go from cocktails straight to stealing a litter of dalmatians.

I lost a bunch of weight many years ago, resulting in a galloping case of oddbod that has only become worse in my 30s. Regardless of size, I cannot wear a bodycon dress without looking like I’m smuggling several kilos of sourdough starter into whichever event I’m attending

To be fair, the portrait has been accumulating the physical and psychic strain of Trump’s presidential misdeeds in the valleys of its demon-wrought brushstrokes.

Presidential Pecker Problems Persist! 

Wait, she’s what? If this was any other administration, I’d call that peak satire.

That’s fantastic. Where I live, monitoring happens on a project-by-project basis depending on archaeological potential, and ultimately at the discretion of the minister overseeing heritage resources. Usually, things work out fine, but in a few frustrating cases, they haven’t.

That kind of drama is too common on digs to be considered news.

This is the same old story many archaeologists are familiar with. Some backhoe operator “accidentally” destroys a site or feature impeding construction while the developer plays it off like that wasn’t the plan all along. Some people only value archaeological heritage until it gets in the way of making bank.

Did you ever see an investigation more in search of a crime?

You know what they call alternative history that’s supported by evidence?

Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!

Remember, these are ‘ketchup on steak’ tastebuds we’re talking about, here. He’d give a Michelin star to an actual tire.

Anyone who doesn’t see what he tells them to see is blind, as far as Trump is concerned.