Just This Guy, You Know?

Yahoo has 200 million users? Are they all imaginary friends?

I appreciate this insight. Accordingly, I pressed the star icon.

I guess there are blind spots on these little Carrs.

First they came for the Funnels, and I said nothing because I was drunk.

Is it crazy to think that if he made the catch and then trotted out of bounds at that spot, he’d be criticized for not trying to get a few more yards when Bailey misses the 60+ yard FG?

Sure it was hard to watch. But at least it was easy to forget.

This is entirely besides the point, but a gameplay violation (grounding) should NEVER be offset by a personal foul. It’s complete bullshit, and it logically conveys that a game penalty is just as bad as a personal penalty, which is the opposite of what the NFL pretends to care about.

Sorry to be this guy, but the phrase is “buried the lede”.

That might be the only time I’ve ever seen icing the kicker actually work. Statistically it makes no difference.

Thanks for stepping away from the gridiron for a few seconds to enlighten us, oh wise football sage. You fucking clown.

Eh, I'm sure when the big moment comes the Seahawks will probably pass.

I broke my arm when I was 13. When they took off the cast, my tendons had healed a little too tight. I found out that I could throw a baseball incredibly fast. I got signed to a major league team and did really well closing out games. I eventually reinjured my arm later in the season and had to retire. But I’ll always

This is nothing new. I’ve always found Avril’s hits injurious.

Dak feels like he could take on the entire Empire himself!