Just This Guy, You Know?

I plan on having my children memorize the Litany Against Fear so they’re able to completely freak out their kindergarten teacher when they inevitably do something that warrants getting sent to the principal. Nothing creepier than a five year old quietly intoning that “Fear is the mindkiller” as they get marched down

So when a referee sticks his arms out with his palms up, he’s signaling “Play On,” which means he could’ve called something but didn’t because the player that was fouled maintained an advantage anyway and calling the foul would disrupt the play unnecessarily. Don’t watch the kids, watch the official.

If you watch the officials in that highlight video, the number of times they signal to play on is crazy. He’s getting hacked to shreds and still destroying those other kids.

Going forward, all of the nets behind field goals are to be emblazoned with an image of Roger Tiberius Goodell. Upon completing any play that would usually result in a celebration, players are permitted to stand and salute the image hanging in their team’s endzone for no more than 2.19 seconds (in honor of Our Dear

I’d say the whining is a leadership problem

It’s similarly worth nothing that lists like this often deviate from the Academy’s choices for no other reason than that Academy voters often don’t watch the movies nominated anyway.

Fair warning: Eternal Sunshine is probably one of those movies that, when watched at the right time in your life, is a Great Film; but, if watched just any old time, can come off as trying too hard

Did you also know Andy Reid’s clock management is poor?

Not to butt in, but I think Bradley’s got a better head on his shoulders.

+1, I’m pretty sure

Nothing, but Tom Brady’s suspension is going to get extended another four games because he was generally aware of the fact that Richard Sherman exists.

You’re right, as far as I know. Denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity (assuming it was called, which it wasn’t) isn’t a yellow; it’s a straight red.

I snuck one of these onto my wedding registry as a joke last year and someone actually bought it. I had visions of using it to terrify my miniature dachsund, but the handling on it’s garbage.

I snuck one of these onto my wedding registry as a joke last year and someone actually bought it. I had visions of

He tried to get involved in football with the United States Football League. It went exactly as well as the rest of his non-real estate businesses. Per Wikipedia:

Yeah, this is a symptom of Being the Browns, not the disease of Having a Bad Kicker