
If only global warming would take Republicans. Seriously.

I suppose I can share this story here too:

Here’s a good background story:

Remember when these “best soccer players in the world” were taking to twitter to take enjoyment out of the men getting humiliated by Argentina in the Copa?

As a Canadian who is still bitter about what happens 4 years ago: AHAHAHAHAHHAHA.

Men’s Swimming Olympic Gold Medals since 1896:

I’ve been agonising over something that transpired yesterday, that is an interpersonal problem where bigotry or any kind of -ism doesn’t even play into it. Like, this is sleepless-night-my-friend-is-upset-with-me level shit.

Looks like a Daweoo Lanos. Mike evidently can’t afford a half decent car let alone a nice one.

When my doctor diagnosed me as being omnipotent, he prescribed me these little blue pills. Problem solved!

half-fermented bezoar

Shin Godzilla? More like Thigh Godzilla, am I right? Right? ....guys?

Missed opportunity for comic sans.

Game 7 has been already decided, like how the draft was

I was an A-7 crew chief with the 44550th and I think that “cloaking device” has been repainted. I seem to remember it had brighter colors and a radiation warning sticker on it. But yeah, fuel truck drivers probably got the brunt of our false indignation when they got in the area. “See that thing hanging under the

You either torrent your own free version or you rent it, not for sale I believe. I’m not sure the renting is all above board with the ESRB though.

Actual conversations I’ve had:

Hey, we are taking this matter seriously and talking to our legal team. Please stay tuned.

I’m gonna go buy this right now. The CD! Like an adult! I’m old! Get off my lawn! And my spaceship!