In my experience, Salty, your math is a little aggressive, although not far off.
In my experience, Salty, your math is a little aggressive, although not far off.
I haven’t been this proud to be Canadian since the 2016 US presidential election.
Jordi Evole: What about Cristiano Ronaldo?
This blog is uh aging well
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”
Jeez. With all those falls going on, I hope Life Alert was one of the sponsors!
Doesn’t some langauge have a word for feeling joy at others’ failure?
I believe the German word is “Saskatchewan.”
Canadian Disaster’s Rank!:
If you read anything today, read this. (Read it before you read anything else here, frankly.)
Heh. Absolutely true story. It’s the late ‘80s (this is important), and I’m with my long-term GF (about my age, 22/23 or so), in her bedroom at her folks’ house. Sometime about midnight-ish, rowdiness starts to happen, and the GF is pining for some candle-play. So the tapers come out (we were duly diligent, so they…
I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.
Trust me, it looks much better with a blue top. It was the one thing that was changed and it was done purely for aesthetic reasons (it can be easily change back to grey at any time). The only two options from the factory were grey and black and grey just did not look very good with the original color combination.…
Fuck you, The Economist. This is what obituaries are supposed to be like.
Like others have said, reflecting on my behavior in years past causes me some discomfort when I recognize that I did some questionable shit. I thought that because I wasn’t like the guy I knew in college who laughed when he talked about how many women he had raped that I was in the clear but, hindsight being 20/20, I…
If true, this would be the most Nintendo thing Nintendo has done in about 15 years.
If you’re a Toronto sports fan, you already know where this is going. Encarnacion gonna pull a Kessel. Guaranteed. #killme
One of the great shortcomings of the U.S. education system is how it avoids mention of the Haitian Revolution and its impact on U.S. and global history. The Haitian Revolution is the culmination of ideas and movements begun by the American and French Revolutions:
“Sanctus et respiciendo faeces ipsius aquam” means “holy water and poop”(literally “sacred and respected poop and water”), though the case, number, and gender of the words are all over the place. Grammatically corrected, it should be “sanctae et respiciendae faeces ipsae aqua”.