
I don’t mind when athletes pray for their/their teammates safety or even pray that they will do their best. It annoys the SHIT out of me when this becomes “praying that I/we will win this game.”

I just really, really do not like scary (or even extremely suspenseful) stuff. I don’t enjoy being scared and never have. :/


I’m not a kid. I’m a forty year old woman.

Maybe God spoke and said “Quit praying for me to clean up your damn mess. I gave you a brain. Use it.”

Unfortunately, common sense isn’t all that common.

But if we do the intuition thing we’re weak. We are allowed no in-between.

Well, women pretty much have to be ice-cold to get anywhere. Becuase if we ever show a single degree of warmth, we’re too “soft” and “weak”, and more than a couple of degrees we’re “hysterical” and “emotional”.

I’ve lived on both US coasts, I’m 40 years old, and I have never seen this. Not one. Single. Time.

and goes bad very quickly.

If they claimed to be allergic and then asked for the item anyway, I wouldn’t serve it to them unless they signed a waiver.

I am from SC and I have never heard “chips and dip” referring to salsa. “Chips and dip” would not be something you get at a restaurant, usually; because “dip” is french onion dip, ranch dip, whatever. If you want chips and salsa, you ask for chips and salsa.

“temporal idiocy field”

Granted, college was a hell of a lot cheaper when we went. Especially public colleges/universities, because states were giving more support to those institutions then. I could work a summer and pay for my school year bills; not anymore.

How do illegal immigrants vote? Also, unless everyone in your family was Native American, your ancestors were probably illegals at some point too.

I live in a college town and I see people biking and texting ALL THE TIME.

Both businesses argue in their lawsuit that the new law is unconstitutional. According to the Sacramento Bee, they argue that the law, “at minimum... unconstitutionally compels (the clinics) to speak messages that they have not chosen, with which they do not agree, and that distract, and detract from, the messages

I’m a teacher. I do NOT want to be armed. To be honest, I am not thinking about anything but my students when I’m teaching. There is no way I have enough brainpower to constantly be on alert for someone wanting to kill us, on top of making sure Jaxon doesn’t come within fifty feet of a peanut, that Kayleigh doesn’t

I love We Love Colors for one reason: Because they carry plus size in EVERY COLOR OF THEIR RANGE. They don’t have 51 colors of straight sizes and then plus sizes in black and white. They have all colors in all sizes and I fucking love it.

I love We Love Colors for one reason: Because they carry plus size in EVERY COLOR OF THEIR RANGE. They don’t have 51

Ugh I saw that bullshit on my FB recently. “I give my child elderberry syrup to boost his immunties” NO THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS.