
You were grey a minute ago...these posts are all over. If you don’t like it, go to Reddit or Y!News. The only reason for GM to exist is to yell slurs at eachother without being singled out as biggots...if you don’t like it, just leave.

Dumbass, read the rest of GM, for once. Did you miss the FOUR times they apologized, or just the article where the announced they were removing it? Fucktard.

I shouldn’t reply to you, based on your greyness, but why don’t you actually read GM, or the rest of Kinja, for that matter...

Goddamnit, I hate ISIS, the TPP, and the Reagan administration, thanks to this middle-aged white guy! Thanks, oBummer!

They were painted on in the 50’s and 60’s? I just alot of respect for NASCAR. :(

Since they aren’t production cars, what’s the point? Can’t we just leave them off? It’s not exactly DOT domain...and they don’t even look like stock cars, anymore. Let’s just put fake vents on like Oldsmobile and call it a day.

For fucks sakes, give the guy a break. People are judged by their appearance everyday, but when it happens to a man, you fucking lose it...fuck you. Grow up.

I didn’t realize that the Canadian government would pay for foreign surgery...that’s unheard of down here in the does it feel to live in the land of rainbows and unicorns, eh?

Wait wait wait...she shot and killed him in 1931, he continued dating her until 1933, when she shot him again and he survived, and she was originally charged with murder for shooting him and surviving when she wasn’t charged for the first time she shot him and he died? And why was there an empty shell in the gun, with

Wait, really?

Worstershire is awesome for marinating hot dogs.

No, the correct answer, is to deep fry...especially in peanut oil. Gives you a nice, crispy outside and juicy, flavorful inside. Also a great way to cook alot of sliders fast, and alot easier to clean up afterwards.

You don’t need to get under the car to change a tire.

I currently rent an apartment in a small metro (2 blocks away from historic downtown Main St.) @$425 / month...if I move out to a rural area, I can rent a 3 bedroom for $450...but I could buy a three bedroom with a mortgage of ~$190. Granted, I pull less than $30k a year, but still, $900 for a crappy studio apartment

How else do you press charges against your phone, %100?

What are you, 5? Unless you have intent to kill your victim, it is an accident. “Crash” is a word your parents made up to make you feel better when you are 5. If you’d like to grow up and speak like an adult, use the word “collision.” A “crash” is what happens when your big-wheel hits a trash can; a fatal head-on

That’s actually a decent deal for balaclavas...they’re great if you need to walk a long distance or work outside in the winter...though those look kinda low quality; and why would you need two? Bank robbery coming up? BTDubstick, that 50 cent piece isn’t legal tender. That’s why they’re always called “collectible” or

km/L...and, no, metric meters and Liters are different than UAE meters and Liters, for some reason...

My second car was a 92 Altima...I drove it around 100 miles everyday....started clicking around 9,000 miles, changed the oil, and it ran brand new after that.

Yeah, I was thinking, that helmet’s probably rated to hit an immovable object at 120 mph without splattering his brains all over the pavement....what a dumbass.