
I like the last few seconds when the dog looks back at the cone like "Can I eat that? I think I can eat that."

Actually, it's about ethic in video game journalist.

Actually, I prefer the idea of casting Clint Eastwood as Cort.

Bbbut - it's about ethics in mayonnaise journalism.

It's like the time on "Roseanne" when Fred says he's only ever been with three people and Jackie has been with like 40 'cause Jackie rules and was way better than Fred to begin with.

I am much, much, much closer to Jackie than Fred.

I am an Agnostic because of Sunday School. As soon as they said "School on Sunday" I was like:

1. I'm Impressed how well they kept such professional composure, and and how there was barely any difference in the sound.

I read the title as "execs meeting again" and was expecting an epic passive-aggressive assgrab fight between guys in $3000 suits uncomfortably attempting to pretend that they actually remembered one another even though all anyone was interested in was getting to the next appointment on their calendar.

There's actually nothing wrong with Massachusetts drivers, except for their insistence on following an entirely different set of traffic rules from the rest of the country.

Skate to work!

They should have had several communities all of different political or social beliefs and they'd be competing to be the first to reach various checkpoints of civilization.

Religious-Right-Theocrats vs. The Randians vs. The Socialists vs. The Marxists in a four-way battle for Reality TV Ideological Supremacy.


The idea of Dean and Cas having a kid together makes me shudder. Everyone on that show is so fucked up they shouldn't be charged with caring for a pet rock, let alone a human child.

Re: noisy neighbors - OH MY GOD. The lady above me does what I can only imagine to be an immense amount of blow, because she regularly rearranges her furniture at 2 in the morning. One time I confronted her while I was half asleep and she was all "oh I'm sorry I was washing my shoes". Wat.

Now playing

The wet dream of everyone who is attracted to women, that's what it is. Here, feast your eyes:

The two small explosions I felt/heard just now were mine shooting each other in a desperate suicide pact.

Ok, but who among us can truly say they've never wanted to set someone on fire?

My favorite zippy comeback line is one I got from my boss. She was working the till, and chatting with an old lady who comes in to buy vegetables sometimes. Boss says something innocuous, like, "Oh, do you enjoy cooking?" And the old lady says, "Sweetie, when we got married I told my husband to pick one room for me to

God, I hate the word "Millenials".

Lee Adama's speech at Baltar's trial. It was Lee's best moment his entire argument was brilliantly said. I don't think its possible to argue against it.