
I love what Marvel just tweeted about the leak:

I'm frantically searching for where I read it, but from what I understand, yes. It's supposed to serve as a set up to a possible stand alone Black Widow movie.

Columbusing is a good word. It seems less academic and wonky than "appropriating".

what do white girls and prime numbers have in common?

Oh my God I would see a movie with this premise called Dear Uncle Bob.

The sensible considerations aside, there would be a degree of poetic rebalancing we'd achieve: while only men have been on the Moon, a symbol of the feminine, women would be first to visit Mars, a symbol of the masculine.

In 1976, a young Dustin Hoffman was shooting one of the biggest movies of his career - Marathon Man. (...) To put himself in the mindset of a man losing control Hoffman didn't sleep for days at a time and let his body become disheveled and unhealthy. Finally, after all this work Hoffman notices his co-star Sir

I know right? It may be less strong but STFU already.

I prefer this one...

This is what we need....countdown timers.

But what about us ladies who snared a man who does the cooking? (JUST LIKE I TOLD YOU I WOULD EVERY TIME I BURNED SOMETHING, MOM.) Can I buy some sort of engagement six-pack and slyly slip him the recipe?

Ugh. I'm sure this comic is making a good point but the whole wall-of-text approach just puts an unpleasant spin on the reading experience. Still, I'll persevere.

At first I thought her hair was thinning at the front but the highlights are too close to her skin color. It also draws her hairline backs ms makes her forehead look bigger. Sorry, Bey.

I dunno, I kind of like this one...

I swear that this post might be the reason why I finally watch house of cards.


Let's just hope the screenplay for each episode will not be adapted from the Harry Potter section of

I love that the stock photo appears to be a letter written to Santa.

Looks rushed-to-production and cheap. Which is silly, considering the much better fan-made versions we've seen already.

Because who's going to turn down a free white baby?! Nobody, that's who. Those things are worth a fortune.