Your wife is awesome.
Your wife is awesome.
Pretty sure she's not actually anywhere near chips. I'm almost positive she's just photoshopped into a picture of chips.
I love Spam. I love spam more than any human being with tastebuds who actually knows how to cook good food should love Spam and I am not ashamed.
Yeah, I'm sitting here reading this going "who are these adults who don't like vegetables". I love vegetables. All vegetables. I've never met a vegetable I didn't like depending on the preparation.
I think this is old. The Solstice is the 21 this year.
I thought the lack of Kinder eggs was because parents didn't supervise their kids and the kids choked on the toy inside.
Eh. There are actually lots of crotchety white men behind the computer program. They wrote it. I work with lots of them. But they're crotchety because they're programmers, bot because they're racist. :)
Maybe I'm missing something but... WHO paid the 144,000. Her car insurance? Obviously the dog doesn't have that kind of money. :)
Giant Squid/Hogwarts slash.
I have a GoGirl, which is basically just another brand of Shewee. They're surprisingly easy to learn to use.
Give it a month or so, someone will hack the game to allow this.
That's a handy trick. You should make write a tutorial or teach a class or something.
French Onion is a god among soups. A GOD. It hurts me deep in my soul when I get it in a restaurant and they've managed to fuck it up.
... what's wrong with wearing sunglasses in winter? The sun doesn't completely go away because it's cold.
I'm impressed not that she left it in the trunk, but that the cup stayed upright for a month of driving around.
When I was a kid my grandmother made thanksgiving dinner. One time, she used confectionary sugar in the gravy instead of flour because she couldn't see. That was the last time she cook a big holiday meal.
I think you need to maybe sit down and have a cup of tea or something before you give yourself an aneurism.
So I know what I'm having for dinner tonight. Thanks. :D