
Is that show any good? Netflix recommended it to me after I finished Bomb Girls and I'm on the fence about watching it.


I've never used one. Are they really that awesome? We have salad a lot in the summer...

... Am I reading those buttons right? Does this toaster also COOK EGGS?

I suspect it depends on the doctor. My friend had a reduction and they wouldn't take them any lower than a C.

So do you just vibrate from place to place instead of walking, then.

Eh, as someone who doesn't follow football, if they just said "washington's football team" I wouldn't have known the name of the team and wouldn't know what the controversy was about.

Are you sure about when that went into effect? I remember getting put back on my parents insurance when I was 25 and Blue Cross said it was because of that provision of the ACA. That was almost three years ago.

I think they're trying to turn people against the Democratic party as a whole by discrediting Obama.

Love, love love Roseanne. I think I was way more into that than the Cosby Show as a kid because it was a pretty spot-on reflection of my family life. Whenever my friends and I now talk about what our childhoods were like, I just point at Roseanne.

This might vary by store, but when I worked for Home Depot 2+ years ago, they were okay with tattoo's. I had an Assistant manager with sleeves on both arms and no one batted an eye.

Sometimes I try to pronounce the R's for fun and I can't. My tongue just won't move that way on certain words.

I grew up south of Boston, with family from Quincy/Dorchester/Roxbury, so my accent was probably similar to yours pre-college. I went to school in NH though and had the opposite experience : people fucking loved it. So I played it up and when I moved back to MA after school my accent was stronger than it was when I

I'm from Massachusetts - we do the "going by so-and-so's house" thing too.

One of my close friends is from Maine. Her accent isn't that strong but there's some slang words and phrases that some out every now and then that she doesn't realize are Maine things until we all stop what we're doing and stare at her like she's speaking Chinese.

I dunno, where I live in the US I'd have the "WTF why are you talking to me" reaction. People don't just chit-chat with strangers no public transportation here (here being Boston).

THANK YOU for this list of words I can trot out in my semi-annual gif pronunciation argument on twitter.

I don't think I've ever heard Trolley used in reference to the T outside of some of the buses (I think the ones with the cables?) technically being called "trolley buses"

A good number of insurers cover it, but many employers don't. I know folks who are stuck in a position where, for example, the insurance company offers coverage for trans* treatments/surgeries, but their employer chooses not to include it in their provided plans.

I looooove burger pickles. That is my favorite part of getting fast food burgers - the warm pickles. so good.