I'm smaller and I just recently got comfortable enough to go without. The trick for me was layered, tight tank tops.
I'm smaller and I just recently got comfortable enough to go without. The trick for me was layered, tight tank tops.
Go out into the suburbs... like, way out. My sister is doing hers at a function hall in East Bridgewater. I think her catering is more than the venue.
My mom says it a lot but a lot of my friends don't. Maybe generational? Or maybe you just hang out with a lot more passive-aggressive people o the west coast. :)
He almost definitely owned the tools. Most install/repair techs for telco's are contractors and they have to buy all of their own tools with no reimbursement from the company.
That's really for the best. Sex underwater is a really great way for anyone with ladyparts to get an infection.
... you realize you can be over a size twelve and still exercise, yeah?
Technically, maybe. But I think most people consider December firmly on the winter side of the fall/winter line.
I have the same agreement with my spiders. Ours includes windows, too. We have one that nests in the kitchen window and acts as gatekeeper to the bugs. Once foot on that sill, though...
That sounds like a fantastic wedding.
There's a reason RT 1 has a toll going into the city but not going out. ;)
When I started with a new dr last year the med student made a comment about the record/billing system and how terrible they all are, said just about the same thing you did downthread about how someone shoudl just make something better. I'm in design/development and it made me wonder why there hasn't been some startup…
It's like they sat down at a meeting and said "what's the most un-useful way we could possibly organize our store?"
My mother does that.
We had a sheltie whose farts smelled like the half-rotted excretions of satan's asshole. He wasn't very big. You're telling me it gets *worse* than that?
I LOVE Big Fish. I had no real interest when it first came out based on previews then I decided I had to see it because Eddie Vedder had a song on the soundtrack (I have a pearl jam problem) and I am so glad I did.
I kinda wonder if it's partly an age thing, partly an expense thing. Each person you add to the invite list adds to the cost. I know for my sister's upcoming wedding, no one gets a +1 - people in long term relationships get invited as a couple, but there's no +1 and cousin so and so's girl of the month does not get an…
That setup always worried me because of so many electronics being so close to heat and flames.
That setup always worried me because of so many electronics being so close to heat and flames.
That actually sounds delicious.
*shrug* Maybe it's regional? My family is Catholic and I've never been to a wedding with a gap that long.
Why the hell would someone leave a three hour gap like that? Do you know why they did it?