
My grandmother actually did that once, back in the 70's. She borrowed my father's car (he was in high school) to go out with her friends, got shitfaced, and when she left the bar, she thought it was stolen. Came home crying and apologizing to my father about it.

This is for the people who won't take "no thanks" for an answer.

... I was about .02 seconds away from doing that once.

Right? I'm stone cold sober and this thought gave me pause. Fuck.

On a really sunny day, I've been known to burn after less than a half hour outside.

In case anyone else is as confused as I was about the word 'strident' being gendered, here's an article explaining that. I had no idea the word was used as a gendered insult and was very confused by the reactions here.

I usually wake up from those dreams about .02 seconds before the big finish. It is the most frustrating thing ever.

My sex drive went way up when I first got the Mirena, too. Sex itself got better, as well. But I attribute that less to the hormones and more to the fact I wasn't worrying so much about accidentally pregnancy like I was on the pill (I'm so bad at remembering pills).

someone up thread mentioned a wrist injury. Might be a brace rather than a glove.

Really wish they'd bring commenting back there. That was 99% of the reason I went to that site. I haven't been back in forever.

I could actually get behind a place called The Sandwich's Coven but as a combination cafe + pagan shop complete with candles, ALL THE STONES/CRYSTALS, herbs, etc.

I think the word "tranny" as used to refer to a transmission is and developed completely separately from the version of the word we're talking about. I've never heard it used jokingly to refer to car parts, just as shorthand for transmission.

I don't have them, but my eye doctor told me recently there are special glasses you can get that you wear while you're working at the computer to help reduce eye strain.

I was with you until Necco Wafers. They're... not Easter candy. They're just the best damn candy in the history of Candy. The fact they they were invented in Boston and I'm a Masshole in no way influences my beliefs aboout the superiority of Necco.

I didn't know the brown ones were chocolate until I was 25 years old. I spent my entire childhood not eating the brown one's because I thought they were root beer

In the US, it's the conservatives yelling about big government and commies.

I sometimes go 2-3 weeks without calling them - mostly because I hate just sitting and chatting on the phone and we don't really have a whole lot to talk about anyway. They only live about 30-40 minutes away and once the weather gets nice there's family parties and cookouts at least once a month that I see them at.

Oh god. My vagina just clenched in fear, swear to god. All that sugar. That's like... the fast track to the yeast infection from hell.

I'm the only weirdo I've ever met who will just eat like... a whole bag of them without batting an eye. I eat sour candy like normal people eat spicy food.

If they lived close to the city I wouldn't find it all that strange for a group of teenagers to be allowed to take the T into town. It's not uncommon to see groups of teens on the T. It's not like it was likely they told them why they were going in.