No of course not. But Hillary lost the biggest electoral layup in history. We shouldn’t make that mistake again.
No of course not. But Hillary lost the biggest electoral layup in history. We shouldn’t make that mistake again.
They certainly do. Hillary Clinton was a mistake. Let’s not do that again.
Holy shit I can’t remember the last time rich whites literally owned this many people!
“Arctic sea lanes could become the 21st century Suez and Panama Canals. And here’s the kicker folks; we’re not going to have to kill any brown people to keep them!”
This man drank fracking fluid. Pay him no mind.
Holy shit dude you think the whole thing down in Venezuela could be an elaborate operation run by a rogue AI in order to recreate the exact conditions as the Shadow Moses incident?
Any day now Jacob Wohl is going to try and pitch Metal Gear Solid to Eric Prince and he’s going to sink all of his money into bipedal tanks and running his entire business from an offshore oil rig.
Having a normal one today I see.
Also proof that nobody can own the Dems as hard as they own themselves.
That is the worst apology I’ve ever seen.
You’ve already got your terrible antivaxxer takes to apologize for.
I will never forgive the #resistance for making this dipshit a star.
You on the side of people who are responsible for actual genocide in Guatemala so don’t think for one second you have the moral high ground.
Go bite a fucking curb fascist
If these ghouls ever faced a fraction of the misery this country exports on a daily basis they wouldn’t be so eager to inflict it on another country.
You’re a pathetic concern troll with zero self awareness who uses a conservative meme for an avatar.
Don’t know about tankie but I’m starting to see the appeal to accelerationist posadism.
Because USPSSupressedMyVote is a sensitive penis who can’t bear being contradicted I’ll repost:
Everything in this comment is just factually wrong. I don’t know any other way to respond. You’re just making things up for the sake of argument.