Action Johnny

Don’t know about tankie but I’m starting to see the appeal to accelerationist posadism.

Because USPSSupressedMyVote is a sensitive penis who can’t bear being contradicted I’ll repost:

Everything in this comment is just factually wrong. I don’t know any other way to respond. You’re just making things up for the sake of argument.

Hitler declared war on the US. 

Are you seriously trying to hold up removing Assad as an example what you want for Venezuela? Are you fucking psychotic or do you really not think beyond headlines?

You can’t call someone anti democratic if they were elected twice in elections that were verified by the UN. Stop parroting neocon talking points and think for yourself.

Oh we’re well past role play. This person’s fursona is a neoliberal black lab. 

Would you rather replace them with far right opposition and hope for the best?

The Lima group was formed at the behest of the United States with the sole purpose of regime change in Venezuela. Stop citing them as if they somehow equal popular support.

Fucking owes us plenty. Fuck his new revenue stream. 

Guaidó was elected to the National Assembly by a whopping 98,000 votes and now he’s President of the entire country because the Trump administration says so. Democracy in action!

You think there’s hope for the country and deep down there’s good people out there. It’s hard to keep a positive outlook when there’s so much evil and hatred in the world. You desperately want people to come together for the good of society and put aside differences and lift each other up.

That would be classic Biden. Remember in 08 when he was astounded that Obama could stand upright and speak complete sentences? That’s just Straight Talkin’ Joe!

And if the leftists in Venezuela want Maduro they should vote for him. Oh wait they did that. Twice.

The foundations are already laid in towns like Brockway, Ogdenville and North Haverbrook. 

The democracy knower has logged on. 

Yeah he’s going to forget that he owes every last shred of his popularity to his proximity to Barack Obama for eight years and try to run on sheer personality and “straight talk”. He can and will find a way to fuck this up. 

I have full faith in Biden’s ability to kneecap his own campaign. 

Jesus fucking Christ we don’t have some kind of storied rivalry. I think your posts are bad and dumb and if they’re not overly offensive I ignore them. I suggest you do the same. 

This is reprehensible and Ilhan Omar should apologize immediately.