Action Johnny

Of course Ferrall is friends with Ben Shapiro. It all makes sense now. This is a ploy to make it appear that Ocasio-Cortez is in danger and Ben swoops in and “saves the day”. She’ll have to notice him then! 

They should elect socialists as their tribal leaders and call themselves Venezuelans. Then the administration will force aid on them under threat of military intervention. 

Sorry my enthusiasm for Gravel’s campaign was really just meant to be a dig at Yang. I don’t actually think it’s meant to be anything more than harmless activism. 

He filed with the FEC. Whether or not two rascal teens put him up to it is irrelevant. He’s officially a candidate for president.

So? I’ll bet a yankee dollar he gets more primary votes than Amy Klobuchar. 


Half of these people are only running because Trump proved there’s no downside to running for president. Worst case scenario is you win. Otherwise you can easily parlay the exposure into a book deal or cable news gig.

So we’re treating Andrew Yang as a serious candidate but not Mike Gravel?

Six months or three comically misspelled tweets is all it’s going to take for most people to forget this lady. She’ll have a corner office by then. 

Yes. Words have meaning. I can’t tell if you’re fucking with me or not. Are you doing a bit or do you really not grasp the meaning of these words?

Socialism is nationalism you fucking idiot”

Wow I love waking up to a bunch of replies from proponents of eugenics. Thanks for that you and your shitty, ill-informed takes are in great company. 

He had his kids vaccinated. If his kids were immunodeficient and couldn’t be helped by vaccines then he would be advocating for sick people to be shipped off to gulags. 

Cool I’ll check the statistics. 

Is this your first analogy?

Jesus fucking Christ enough with this logic bullshit. You’re not Mr Spock you’re a fucking stubborn edgelord who shat out a bad take and has failed to adequately defend it for the better part of a day.

And they’ll never give you a straight answer for that either.

The right to put others lives at risk is not enshrined in the constitution. If that’s what your argument hangs on I suggest you log off.

Stop tap dancing around my question. How may children’s deaths are acceptable in order to accommodate other people’s ignorance? Give me a number.