Action Johnny

And they’ll never give you a straight answer for that either.

The right to put others lives at risk is not enshrined in the constitution. If that’s what your argument hangs on I suggest you log off.

Stop tap dancing around my question. How may children’s deaths are acceptable in order to accommodate other people’s ignorance? Give me a number. 

You’re drawing a stupendous false equivalence between the LGBTQ community and people who think vaccines cause autism. Please don’t die on this hill. 

I’m not talking about car accidents and I’m not talking about children of stubborn or ignorant parents. I’m talking about the immunodeficient children who depend on herd immunity. How many of their deaths are acceptable? One? Ten? Give me a number you’re comfortable with. 

Of course it is possible for children, even those who are not immunocompromised, to die from complications of the measles. But not that many.”

One of the more exciting effects of conservative efforts to erode public confidence in government institutions and regulations over the last four decades. Hellworld is powerful. 

Didn’t you get banned from Jezebel a bunch back in the day?

Hyperbole maybe, but the Dem establishment didn’t do her any favors when she called out AIPAC. 

He was giving a speech standing on a literal stump the other day!

Because by and large they’re a bunch of phony, virtue signaling twats. Listen to women and minorities until one of them has something critical to say about one of their sacred cows. Then it’s knives out. The whole Biden thing has been a real masks off moment. 

I’m just saying that’s a lot of angry words over a seven word post. 

Why are you flipping out over an open thread?

There’s criticism and then there’s constant unrelenting abuse.

Only the coffee man can stop covfefe guy!

Yeah, why don’t the writers engage more with the commentariat that calls them dismissive, arrogant and constantly tells them how they’re doing their jobs wrong?

Now playing

Libby why are you pretending Shultz has no grassroots support?

Warren and Sanders are the only good candidates.

“It was the best of times, it was the best of times... Folks, nobody had better times. Everyone asks me, where’d you get all of these great time?  Folks, best times just come naturally to winners.”

Are you doing a bit?