
Thank you. People are doing this because they think Trump is a sexist monster who will probably do things to their rights. That's great. Protest on that premise and there's no problems. The problem is piggy backing off women's rights activism, so you can protest who won the election everyday, then pretending like that

It's not about her benefit. It's about these same people, not feeling the need to protest these same rights violations, had Republicans lost the election. That's just insane hypocrisy.

Yeah, I'm not. But you can tell yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Those women should be included in this voice for all women. But they're not. They're shunned away. Conservative women aren't women to the liberals. They are just wrong.

I don't want anyone to buy anything. I just don't like hypocrites. Protest Trump. Call it what it is. Don't hide behind social justice so you can protest the results of an election everyday for 4 years.

Yes, that explains the hypocrisy.

You are correct.

Oh, trust me, I invited this upon myself by posting any type of opposition on this thread. Just have to accept it.

Ah, then he should have lost the woman vote. I guess all those women are just wrong. I didn't vote for him, I don't like him, but even I find an issue with this type of narrow minded thinking. It's political. Purely. And politics dulls critical thinking.

Yeah, the only person being a dick in this exchange is you. But you're right, so that's OK. Right?

Funding for abortion. If that's really the reason for all of this, then that's a problem.

Trump is a problem. Protest Trump. I'm all for that. But call it what it is. Don't call it women's rights activism. Call it a protest of Trump. That's not what it's being called. It's being called a march for all women, and the inequality and under appreciation they've faced for hundreds of years. Just look at the 3

If you actually believe that's where all the money from the women oppressing, homesexual beating countries of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, then that's a really nice thought. Still doesn't make it right. And definitely doesn't make you a champion for women's rights.

Ah, but would making that point still be necessary if the democrats controlled the government? Obama must have erased all women's rights issues in his 8 years, and Trump just put them all back in place in 40 days? I'm just confused by the point. To me, it's more a protest of Trump and the dislike for him. And I'm 100%

No, I don't like exploiting one thing to do another. And then trying to group all women into the mix. It's not right. Just protest Trump everyday for all I care, just don't piggy back off actual problems, and pretend it's doing some great service for women.

And about Cousins, he's playing it smart. He's going to use that tag to request $24M annually. I don't think he's worth that much, but you're right. There's no better option.

Most of the protesters are Clinton supporters. That's where the hypocrisy creeps in. I am all for equal rights for everyone. I am all for calling Trump an idiot that doesn't deserve to be president. What I'm against is using something else, (women's rights) as a platform to protest the outright hate for Trump and the

It would be a good thing if it wasn't so politically motivated. I don't like the thought that equality and oppression all hinder upon who won an election. Especially when the party that won, won the overall woman vote. It's just all political, and that's what I don't like. And yeah, Trump is a doof that shouldn't be

Yeah, no one can address if they'd feel the same if the tables were turned. Just pretend it doesn't matter. Pretend it's not hypocritical. But yes, and hopefully my Redskins would be one too!