
And protest for rights violations that have gone on for hundreds of years, should occur regardless of who's president. But they wouldn't have. That's my point. And it's hypocritical nonsense.

Yeah if you read anything, you'd know I hate Trump.

If Hillary was President, would women still feel the need to hold these marches? Would Hillary Clinton all the sudden erase hundreds of years of women's rights and equality being infringed upon? Obviously not. But would there be marches? Obviously not. Because this is all political. It's not stepping up for all women,

And this could describe today as well. Democrats lost the woman vote. So don't pretend to speak for all women. You're speaking to yourselves, and it does nothing for anyone. Unlike actual rights activism, that took on actual issues, not just who won the presidential election.

No, it shows what values you really hold dear. Rights for all women, or money for campaign.

Holy crap. A rationale response about the laws of Government.

Ah, good point.

Yes. It would be protesting the way those countries treat women. I mean how obvious is that. It's better than taking the money, and pretending you care about equality for all women.

And no, I hate Trump. Just have to call a spade a spade. Not politically motivated, like everyone wants to believe.

No, my point is that there would be no marches if she won. And that's terrible, and hypocritical. If the rights that are being infringed upon for years and years are what these marches are about.

Ignorant to what? Trump being a monster? I don't like Trump. But Hillary was terrible, a disgrace to women, and the fact that she was supported so strongly, and this is what Trump gets, it's just hypocritical, that's all.

Even better.

HA! What about the women of those countries you're taking the money from? They mean less?

No one in innocent. But this is political. I'm not deflecting. If I was to believe that these protests would be going on if it were the other way around, I wouldn't think it's so hypocritical.

I'm talking about how she took tens of millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other middle eastern countries that have oppressed women for hundreds of years.

I didn't miss that word. Anyone see how Hillary Clinton participated with countries internationally that oppress women and homosexual rights? Any marches? But no, let's just march for international abortion.

Perfect left response. I will not explain myself. I will just tell you to fuck.

Ah, but Clinton is innocent. And a champion for women. And would have never incited protests from women. MARCH!

Trump, taking away all that abortion funding. MARCH!

Yeah, government taking away funding for abortion. MARCH!