
Nothing really happened. Nothing really changed from episode 1 until the finale, when still nothing's really changed. It had some solid episodes, but too much of Elliot just staring off trying to get his mind right. Took too long to amount to what it did in S2. Season 1 deserved and received many accolades, hopefully

Mr. Robot just wasn't very fun to watch this season. It took too much time to get going, too much of Elliot just staring into space. It ended well with the last 3 episodes, but I don't know how S2 could be mentioned with the best of 2016

The full S1 only had 6 full 30 min episodes, but there's actually 19 more 8-10 min episodes available to watch as well. I agree, it's a great show. Love how they mix in new characters and stories with each entry. They all just get tied in to each other by The Guy.

Obviously not watching Black Sails. Season 1 took some time to get going, but 2 and 3 were excellent. Final season this year, I don't know why people don't watch it.

Yeah, that's what I said. It wouldn't make sense for it to be Dwight.

I only need the ONE. ONE BULLET BABY

Good point, it has to be someone new I think. It wouldn't make sense for it to be Dwight, he already knows where the camp is, and he already knows Rick and Aaron, so following them home and then spying wouldn't be a story really.

Dwight already knows Rick and Aaron, and he already knows where they live, why would Dwight spying on Father Gabriel at Alexandra be a big reveal?

It was on his belt, holstered.

So what are the theories regarding the wire strapped boots character? The review says comic readers should recognize right away, but I was thinking Whisperers, and it might be too early for that?

Wasn't that bad. At least we're finally starting to move forward and not just tread water.

Completely agree. I could watch Norman Bates just stare into space thinking about god knows what for 2 hours with no complaints.

S3 and S4 of Dexter were still pretty good.

he's loose enough to leave Alexandria and hide in a truck on the way to Negan's. After listening to Negan say everything that will happen to people that don't obey the rules, after seeing first hand what happened to Glenn after Daryl punched Negan. I mean you can't have it both ways. Not loose enough to act like a

Not when he's holding Judith.

Not until the system changes. With the way the EC works now, it discourages many voters in certain SOLID Blue or SOLID Red states from actually casting their vote. If everyone knew before the election that the popular vote is the only deciding factor, then people would be coming out to vote regardless of where they

And thank goodness you're still reading the reviews of S7!

My goodness. Chandler Riggs is awful.

The will of the people. It matters. Regardless of how you feel about those people. You are entitled to your own viewpoints just like everyone else. And regardless of what you think about Trump (I didn't vote for him) he did something no one has ever done before, and it's because of the people he reached. Not just

The R-word.