
Lots of love in this post.

I've always defended this show because I just loved the premise of a zombie apocalypse. But damn, first halves of this show have always been slower and dealt with far more table setting than the back halves, this season is taking it to a new level of sluggishness.

completely agree.

No mention of Nate saying that the autopsy revealed Wes was dead before the fire? That leads to many more questions.

Something interesting. Really great premise. Go get us something interesting! So much tension! Not.

Darabont was forced out.

Pretty terrible episode. Boring, beating the dead horse over and over. We get it, saviors are jerks, they can take anything, don't need 90 minutes of them taking stuff to get the point. This needs to turn around, Carol, Morgan and King E. are the only good parts of the show so far. Next week we get some hilltop and

Ok, I think everyone that watches the show can agree that this is one of it's strongest seasons. Great acting, a cohesive story with actual stakes and horrifying, meaningful deaths. Don't know what else you'd want from AHS

I really don't understand your point of view on the Polk's. 3 of our main characters are trapped there, spending no time with them, and not getting to witness the immense struggle and perseverance it took to escape, would be a waste. Especially with Lee, I mean she was such a bad-ass in this episode, not letting her

They have shown global context, just pieces here and there of news stories from other cities/countries about the spread of the infected. The whole world is overrun, and now the bomb has wiped out the sunlight in NYC and possibly the entire east coast. Next season should be a ton of fun. If they stick to the book, then

Great movie. I thought all the characters were strong, and I loved the half and half relationship Glass had with the Natives.

But it doesn't affect everyone.

Yeah I know that, I read the book, I was trying not to spoil it.

So Lee being chopped up and turned into human beef jerky is "meager narrative value"? Also with the camera complaint, it's a show about a reality show, it's not strictly shot through the camera's of the reality show.

Millions don't die, the virus isn't a fatal virus. That's all I'll say if you don't want it spoiled.

I said reading the review is like listening to a child whine over not getting something. Sorry to make a comparison to my annoyance with the review, I didn't mean to hurt you emotionally with my name calling

Did I call someone a name? And I don't disagree, I just think continuing to write for a show you so clearly are done with, does nothing for no one

Yikes dude. I think this episode finally delivered on the devastation that was promised. Sets up a new, charismic bad guy that seems to have structure and a plan for the people left around him in their part of the world. Watching people crying isn't the best thing, but they marketed so much devistation that I don't

Excellent episode and an excellent season so far.

This is the worst comment ever.