
I wouldn't be surprised if The Master uses Zach as his next body.

Eichorst has him, I wouldn't be surprised if The Master uses his body as his next portal.

He survived, they showed him darting off before the bomb went off. I'm not so sure about the Ancients though..

Good lord. This episode was fun, entertaining and had some pretty scary moments. The acting, as always, was fantastic. It's only been 5 episodes, they've already said episode 6 is going to switch things up, as to what we're watching not really being what we think it is. I thought the haunted plantation was scary, the

So you complain that Oliver is going through the same cycles with the "kill or no kill" but then you say it would be better if we watched him struggle with the decision to go back to killing? That makes absolutely no sense. Getting Oliver back to the one man wrecking crew he was in the first couple of seasons is a

The lost colony and the story of Roanoke Island is true. It's American History, not made up fiction. Of course the survivors were never found, so maybe that's what you're talking about?

It's a haunted house/grounds theme. Lost colony of Roanoke, modern day residents of a big farm house being tormented by multiple ghosts.

It's 1 episode and she wasn't involved in the re-enactment. Should she have narrated "A lot of crazy stuff was still happening at the house while I was in jail."? She'll be back.

Where have all the smart writers gone? Ba-La-Ke?

Lada Gaga sounds like she's talking from within' a bathroom stall. Why all the echo?

I don't think the person reviewing this should review comedies. Right off the bat, stating that a comedy starring Zach Galifianakis, is bad because it's just a dopey Zach Galifianakis movie? Obviously doesn't seem to keen on Zach Galifianakis and his brand of comedy.

So "Shin Godzilla" is very Japanese, and very Godzilla? Sounds great.

It's not that bad, lots of running in place, but there's some good acting performances. Echorst, Setrakian, Fet, even Dutch are good characters. It's Eph and Zack that weigh the show down.

You're cool.

Not national broadcast networks, which obviously get much higher ratings than cable TV.

Yeah, that's my point, it makes sense. The review makes it seem like it's so ridiculous to think that would be happening.

I would guess that they'd base the amount of clicks and comments they're expecting on how many people watch the shows.

This show could have been much better with some better lead actors. Especially for Travis and Madison. They are just unbearable to watch, especially together, going over the same problems. It's no fun. Nick, Strand, some of the Colonia people and Alicia are the only ones worth watching. Hopefully the finale fixes some

How many viewers does "FTWD" get? Around 5 million.

How could you associate the apocalypse in Mexico with the drug trade?