
I think the point here is that it's difficult to survive in a place like Rikers without completely buying into the best role you can play to survive, both in the courtroom and in the prison.

You mean dramatizing courtroom scenes for TV shows don't come out 100% authentic? Who would've guessed that?

What was illegal about how they held him?

Busted by Lee Russel was awesome. So was Gamby: "We need to talk about something" - "Oh yeah, what do you want to talk to me about?" - "My Feelings"

Yeah, the only guy out chasing leads for our "innocent" prisoner isn't a clear protagonist. Who is then? Chandra joins him this week, but until now, it's only been Stone. And the eczema plot, along with the cat, goes a long way when it comes to identifying and caring for his character. I felt terrible for him and his

"There's no bean bags and popcorn in the real world. The real world is full of meaness and shit!!"

I think the question of if they're still united against Brown was answered when Gamby knocks out Jackie. They say "partnership still on" as they shake hands.

The female characters just didn't have enough growth in the first 40 minutes. Barf.

She's a kid that used to love horses. I don't understand why people have to look for the black and white of everything. It's like, if Belinda's character was white, and it was a black family watching her kids out of control, it wouldn't be racist. Instead, people would complain that there's too many main white

Don't know why you keep insisting on the "lack of blood."

So many messages bro.

That was a great scene. "It dissolves through the skin you idiot!!!" "We need to get out of here!!"

Whoever started watching this show and thought, "Oh Gamby and Russel are the heroes".. You need help.

Thank you.

Bored to death is great. And did 3 seasons, with a great cast. This show has done 4 episodes, and is completely different.

The reaction shot was intended to show comedy. If Belinda is white, and her white kids are acting like that, whoever is outside is going to be staring and judging. It's not all about black and white.

Ok, I think the cold open is just supposed to be a funny scene about a mother trying to control her children, who are being wild, in a small space outside a motel room. The whole "strong qualified black woman" - "scorning white family" why? why? why? She can't have funny over-the-top scenes? She can't have

On a road trip. Annville is a small town, I'm sure it doesn't take to long to drive to a diner outside of town.

Good lord. She's beautiful, and talented. It's ok.

And she did cut her hand earlier, and put her hand all over his neck before they went to bed. He has to have traces on him.