
Mr. Robot has been beyond annoying this season. Last night's episode was good. But the first 3 were borderline unwatchable.

Probably the only person on earth to think S1 was better than S2.

Definitely wasn't him. The no blood point is the first thing I thought about as well. No way you could inflict all those wounds, and have no blood anywhere on your clothes, hands etc..

The episode was definitely funny. It's impossible to watch Danny McBride walk around in those khaki shorts and not laugh. His interactions with the kids on the trip were hilarious. And I thought he actually came off looking responsible compared to the other teachers. But they found the notebook, and that may come back

It's either complain about not enough information, or complain there's too much information. I didn't like the idea of the town blowing up, but they kept showing that pressure gauge, so it had to lead to something. And if our 3 main characters are headed out on a road trip for the remainder of the series, why does it

Good point. I was wondering about that, why she didn't come back. That kind of stinks though. I loved their back and forth banter. Add in Jesse and Cassidy, those 4 were fun to watch together.

More race sensitive complaining in hollywoood. Matt Damon is a star, he carries movies, generates auidiences, garners attention. It's not real life, Matt Damon didn't save China. This movie is fake, they wanted an A-lister to headline. It's really pretty simple. I'm sure if they made some documentary about the Great

They said that they found it difficult to make a show called Preacher and never show Jesse Custer actually living as a Preacher. The comic never shows him actually being a Preacher. I didn't know it was going to be the entire first season, but I'm glad they did it. It gives us so much more substance to enjoy while

Why show a scene of Cassidy getting arrested if he just ends up in jail anyways? That's basically the entire argument of the review, and then it's immediately contradicted.

What do I know about anything. I just love to spread lies about Clinton and give my undying support to Trump. Lol. It's tough living in a bubble, when everyone is out to slander your leader.

John Stone.

If you would read it, it'd be nice to get your opinions on it. But I guess that's out of the question. Rather act like a little kid and scream liar instead of having a conversation.

I don't support Trump. Your argument is not valid. I just asked you to read an article before saying all I do is lie about HRC. If you wont even read the article, there's really no basis for us to discuss anything. And damn, whatever happened to conversations? It's like as soon as you can't make your whole

Oh my, 8 posts. What ever happened to conversations? People get to the point where they can't make the same argument and then it's over. It's no fun.

I just asked you read the article. Didn't know it was so tough, but I guess once you found out it was from IBT and not infowars, your whole "everythings a lie" argument went out the window.

Did you read?

Just please read the IBT article. If you read it, and think it's all make-believe, from a reputable news source, then at least you can say you read it.

And I didn't say she was responsible for Benghazi, but she did play a role in the disaster and attempted cover up. And she also played a large role in the complete destabilization of the middle east. Libya, Syria, Iraq. If you don't believe that, then you must not believe she was doing anything while in the Senate or

And wait, you think I support Trump???? Oh my lord, you really don't listen. Stuck in your "everyone is out to get Hillary" hole. I have no desire to spread lies about HRC. I form opinions by what I read from reliable sources. I don't just say "I support so and so" and then go out of my way to ignore valid reports

And maybe, just maybe, some more information about what was in that article rest in her private email server. Good thing she had the time to wipe clean over 40,000 emails before handing it over to the state department. Emails that Comey said were "Not all personal. Definitely work related emails that were purged from