
Here's the article. Such slanderous garbage. Or maybe it's true, and you need to stop living under a rock, and start reading about the people you support.

It's an International Business Times article. I'll send you link. Why do you all think I care enough about slandering HRC that I would post garbage that's not fact checked? Just read it. And try not blindly following her without ever taking the time to research her history in government, especially the state

Haha!! Unsourced text? An International Business Times article? Try reading and not just blindly following someone and listening to everything they say because they "never lie." LOL. Not even worth it trying to explain things to supporters like you. If you don't care enough to read, then why even vote?

Just please read what I posted for you. I don't know how anyone in their right mind could deny that information in regards to donations and sales to foreign governments…..

Just please read what I posted for you. I don't know how anyone in their right mind could deny that information in regards to donations and sales to foreign governments…

Just please read what I posted for you. I don't know how anyone in their right mind could deny that information in regards to donations and sales to foreign governments.

More Clinton info. She's just great.

Here's some more Clinton info for you.

Here's some more Clinton info for you.

And what's wrong with congressional hearings? You know how you avoid them? Stop involving yourself in scandals.

I don't think you read my response. Comey admitted that she broke the law, but said they didn't have enough evidence to prosecute that she knew she was breaking the law while she was doing it.

It's not valid either. Hillary Clinton has no special ties that would make her giving a 3 speeches to Goldman Sachs mean anything worth any $$. Apart from her run to the White House, which could really mean something. It's not hard to figure out.

From what you understand? Did you see the speech? No, because Clinton and her team will never let the American people know what she said. So they'll tell you the content was beside point, and you'll believe them, and support her, like all of Clinton's supporters.

Yeah, she's not corrupt. I'm sure if they would have made a donation to her foundation, she would have found a way to listen.

Even by the standards of arms deals between the United States and Saudi Arabia, this one was enormous. A consortium of American defense contractors led by Boeing would deliver $29 billion worth of advanced fighter jets to the United States' oil-rich ally in the Middle East.

And I'll add a little information about the Clinton Foundation and her time as Sec of State. PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION I PROVIDE. DO NOT THINK I AM ON A WITCH HUNT. DON"T BE IGNORANT. I AM NOT REPUBLICAN.

Ignoring the facts? You support Clinton and accuse other people of ignoring facts? You've got to be the most ignorant human being on earth to support that woman and act like anything she says is true. She's one those people that will lie and lie and lie and even when she's caught red handed it'll be some round and

If you're going to sit here and act like Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong, and wasn't deserving of those hearings, then there's no reason to talk to you. You're an apologist for Clinton, I have no political affiliation, I think they're all crazy. But I have relatives that work for the CIA that are completely