
Posting things like this, you're perceived as just as ignorant as the "conservative movement" people you're talking about.

No one is complaining about her "taking that deal." People are complaining because they want to know what she said to them. Is she an expert banker? Did she start some large banking firm on Wall Street? Is she an expert in monetary policy? What is it? What would Goldman Sachs pay close to $750,000 to hear Hillary

Ok, then release the transcripts. The problem with the speeches is what she said to the big money profiteers of Goldman Sachs. If she didn't say anything that could be viewed as negative by the average American public in regards to how she feels these banks behaved, or how she plans on treating them while in office,

A desperate woman, seeking help and gaining comfort from a good lookin' Night Manager at a lavish hotel, all the while thinking each second could be your last, all seems pretty organic to me.

Enjoyed the show even though it felt like a big waiting game until the finale. Hiddleston had the ear to ear grin after every question and answer that it kind of became laughable. But overall, I'd say the finale did the series justice. Getting back to Cairo, seeing some of the old faces from the premiere, and having

following the source material.

He was always blind to Pine, ever since the incident with his kid. To have him all the sudden turn, when Corky was the one acting out of character since Pine arrived, wouldn't have made much sense. He made his decision to trust that Pine was all in. It was Jed that ended up giving away too much.

And guys trying to impress girls has gone on for centuries. Especially with someone who doesn't get many opportunities to be alone with a woman in the city for a night. I understand your point, but I think it all happens pretty organically.

Borrowing without asking is stealing.

You're talking about a kid who would steal his father's cab and drive it to Manhattan to attend a party in which he has no clue where it is. I don't think common sense was in his vocabulary that night. And seeing a beautiful woman in your car won't all the sudden make your common sense meter kick back in.

Why? Here is the description of the show:

23 year old boy who's slept with 1 girl and is out in the city by himself in his dad's cab for probably the first time, he has to be a little more impressionable than most, especially with a beautiful woman asking him to do these things with her.

Very observant.

Kinda hard to stab yourself in the back like that.

He has excellent comedic timing. He makes unfunny lines funny with the way he delivers. All the best comedians do. It's not what they say, but how they say it. McBride is incredible in that aspect. Same with stand-up guys like Mitch Hedberg.

Or just "Raylan Givens!"

Great episode, really exploring Jesse as a villain. You have to think that Genesis effects his own thoughts and feelings to some extent, and it'll probably be about Jesse learning to control how it makes him feel while he's not using The Voice.

How will they get votes, if they abandon their people during this awful time they're trying to get rid of?

Not everything is spelled out in big bold letters all the time. They give you the evidence, and you put it together. The piece of evidence they gave us in the finale was a confirmation. Lyanna was pregnant, Jon Snow is the promise she made Ned make. She doesn't have to say "And by the way Ned, Rheagar is the father"

I posted a yahoo link for you, HBO released a "relationship diagram" for Jon Snow, Lyanna Stark, and everyone involved. Clearly drawing the parent lines from Jon Snow to Lyanna and Rhaegar.