
And I already told you what she said in the whisper. It was completely audible. Go watch again and use closed captions if you'd like. She said:
"His name is …. If Robert finds out, he'll kill him. You know he will. You have to protect him. Promise me Ned. Promise me."

Ok, I'll guess we'll never really know until someone says it out loud, or until it's spelled out for everyone. She didn't whisper anything about Rheagar. But Rheagar is the one protecting her, when he has his own family being slaughtered in Kings Landing. He's just protecting her for nothing? Sending his best Knights

No everything needs to be yelled in your face for it to be true. You're basically saying that because Lyanna didn't say "HEY NED, THIS IS RHAEGAR'S SON, PROTECT HIM FROM ROBERT!!" That it means we're not sure Rhaegar, her only other lover, is the father?

Who's the father then? Just some no name guy? So Jon Stark isn't Stark/Targaryen?

A full season.

And the Red Wedding hadn't occurred when Arya was with Tywin.

You have the one from the books, I was talking about the show.

Cersei Lannister: Arya has been harboring a hatred for the new Queen of the Seven Kingdoms (Lena Headey) since early on in “Game of Thrones” as she is to blame for the beheading of Ned Stark (Sean Bean). Cersei accused the former warden of the North of treason, which eventually led King Joffrey Baratheon (Jack

Arya first met the Mountain in Season 2, when she was taken to Harrenhal against her will. During her time there, she and the boys with her, along with several other people who were already being held there, are tortured and killed by Ser Gregor. Arya has not come face-to-face with the Mountain since then.

It is not withheld. The father is Rhaegar, Lyanna tells Ned that Robert can't find out. Who else is it? Some random guy from King's Landing? Rhaegar and Robert were the only 2 men associated with Lyanna. If she doesn't want Robert (the Targaryen killing machine) to find out about her newborn baby, then it's obviously

That's fine, but he and Dany are the main players now, only confirmed Targaryen's left, hard not to like the idea of them meeting and bringing north and south together to fight the walkers

She had the Red Womsn and find members of the B w/o B. Because they made a deal to sell Gendry to Melisandre so they could sacrifice him to the fire God. Remember the leaches? Just recall how Melisandre got Gendry in the first place

She wasn't trained yet, and she wanted to take him out, but she also wanted to escape. Just google Arya Stark kill list, easy stuff my friend

It's confirmed, not just implied. Rheagar had her protected by his best guards for a reason, which was confirmed when we saw Ned enter the tower of joy, and when we find out what he was made to promise Lyanna. No more speculation needed regarding Jon Snow, he is Fire and Ice, the story is his and Dany's (and possibly

Always a Lannister.

Arya's kill list.


Jamie isn't on the kill list.

Jon Snow is Jon Snow, who cares if he's the living, breathing meaning of Fire and Ice. Why would anyone, who doesn't care who the characters really are, even watch the show? Good joke though.