
Completely agree. If there's one thing we know about Elizabeth, it's that she won't just go chatting up a pastor just for fun.

"Will Kim Dickens have to do more squintedstaring into the distance?"

So just leave them all and walk around with zombies? Even Strand? who saved Nick's life, and Nick saved his life, more than once. It makes no sense.

Every bit of tension on this show is manufactured. Every major character decision is ridiculously shallow. These people are FAMILY! They have traveled to another country TOGETHER. They have waited for one another, expressed the desire to stay together, and yet, within' 2 days: Chris wants to kill everyone. Travis is

Hodor? Hodor.

The first paragraph of this review is excellent. Beautifully written.

Freddie Highmore is incredible.

Thanks Celia.. Lol

I don't know if the bit was as serious as this critique. I think it was supposed to be impossible.

Nice review.

Can't hold it back anymooooore

I'm not trying to change your mind. Just pointing out that your reasoning is flawed.

I don't think anyone cares about your opinion of the show. Considering you've only watched the last season. That would be like me giving my opinion on what it was like living in the 80s. I don't think many people would care, considering I was born in '88.

Starting a show from the end is never good. No matter what show it is.

Thought the movie was pretty good.

No one can start a show from the end and have any kind of appreciation for the characters. You haven't seen them from the start, you don't know the changes they've gone through, so none of the moments from S6 would matter in the slightest.

Pee pee pants is a line directly out of the comics. Didn't translate well. Negan himself didn't translate well in my opinion. But that doesn't take away from the excellent first 3 episodes of Season 1. It's worth the watch, just the Pilot episode alone is worth it.

If you start TWD from the beginning, you'd like it more than TWD on a boat.

You'd think on a show with "walking dead" in its title, that there would actually be some zombies to deal with. Instead we get moody teens, confused adults, teenage pirates, and boats. Time to start fighting through the dead, and time to stop fighting Chris' insecurities.

So people shouldn't be paid for working? I have no idea why we get so upset with people for making money by doing something in which they have a talent for. Should it be $5 a ticket? $15? $25? What would satisfy you? $50 is not that much money, I just paid $40 to go to a concert, and I didn't berate the band