
Ken Kratz. The voice is real.

They might be confusing him with Gendry, and they said Robert Baratheon, not Ned Stark.

Nick, Strand and Salazar, the only characters worth caring about.

You'll never know, unless you just watch it.

Doesn't look like they guy Maddie stabbed is actually dead yet. What about the pregnant lady? did she leave before they were sniped?

That had to fit in somehow.

Tyrion and the Dragons, best moment of this episode, apart from Jon Stone. It will be interesting to see the Wildlings and Night's Watch react to his resurrection. A "God like" Jon Snow, with the backing of the Wildlings, would be a formidable force. I don't know if Ramsay knows the full extent of what he's getting

The call home was especially depressing. Her parents thinking it's just another call home, and soon realizing that something is wrong, and all they can do is tell her that they love her no matter what, heartbreaking.

It was a genuine thanks. I was thinking they were calling the trail where they were "the cut" LOL

Can't help but feel terrible for Martha. Poor woman just wants to be loved, and they use her up, then send her to Russia, alone. Really no other options, just can't imagine that scenario.

Thanks for clearing that up for everyone.

Yeah I think so

It's called "After the Thrones"

They do.

Injure Norma, Kill Romero, then Norma.

My main issue with this show is that every single moment of tension or nervousness is artificially created by these characters making complete boneheaded decisions. Apart from S1, where there were actual organic moments where you fear for the characters, S2 only comes up with those moments when they are doing

Good lord. I hope Laurel is gone. And I hope I never have to read the phrase "chekov's gun" ever again after this review.

Mike makes all the right decisions in Breaking Bad, except for 1.

Oh my! Howard asks Jimmy a question!