
I agree, I think something is going to happen that let's people know Jimmy was around the Copy Shop during Chuck's "episode." You hear Howard in the preview for next week on the phone with Jimmy say, "I'm just going to ask one question, were you behind this?"

That's the thing with Chuck. His feelings toward Jimmy are strong, but he has a tough time sharing them with Jimmy, and an easy time going after Jimmy when he's not around. I thought the scene was brilliant, having Jimmy show up and make Chuck go through with it while he's in the room.

Without Kim's relationship, they never get the meeting. Howard wasn't even pursuing Mesa Verde before Kim brought it to attention.

Yes, that's why Chuck will only have that conversation in front of Kim and Jimmy, and wants no one else to hear his conspiracy. Because it sounds nuts! even though it's 100% accurate.

I don't really like the "Two wrongs don't make a right" analogy when it comes to the Kim/Chuck conversation.

The Walking Dead: YOLO

O.M.G I can't believe there's Walking Dead bro.

It's because we care about TWD characters, or some of them at least, because of how great the first couple episodes of S1 were. This show was never ever to establish that for any character, minus Salazar. Even Nick, whom I like the most, was set up as a whiny baby that only thinks about drugs, when in reality he was

Sadly, that's what it seems like.

It's only to drive home the fact that it's related to The Walking Dead. Maybe it should be "The Walking Dead: Origins." LOL

Nice review, apart from the million typos.

This was incredible. So gripping and engaging even while knowing the outcomes. You really become attached to these characters, and there should be Emmy's handed out for sure. Sarah Paulson, Courtney B. Vance, Sterling K. Brown should all be nominated without a doubt.

But that would have taken away from the excellent, tedious montage. Great music and all!

Then why is she still around? Because he's constantly trying to reinforce her belief in him and their being together as a couple, personally and professionally. I don't think she'll realize that she needs to move on from him in order to fulfill her own aspirations until he's the one telling her "what she already

Just another fantastic episode of television. This show is effortless. So much fun to watch and be engaged in. Saul is coming, run for your life Kim. Even though I want so badly for them to be successful together. That dual office. Can you imagine Saul's clients on one side, and a respectable lawyer on the other? LOL.

Oh, well I guess that's a bonus. Still had to watch it. Lol

I don't know what that means


I don't know how you would rather stay at Terminus for a half of a season as opposed to what happened with Carol's triumphant return. That was the show at it's best, not letting BS weigh down weeks and weeks of story.

Yes, but that first 10 minutes, is supposed to carry a large impact on the show. And it didn't. At all. Too much hype for what they presented. He could become the best thing ever, but it wasn't a very impressive start.