
I agree, but I also know that killing Abraham, Eugene, Sasha or Rosita, would carry much less weight than killing Rick, Morgan, Carol, Michonne, Daryl, Carl, Glenn or Maggie.

I was expecting much bigger, broader. Looked almost sickly in that leather jumpsuit. Needs to bulk up. Not very menacing, or respect demanding.

Did you watch this episode? Normally I would agree with you. I trumpet that same argument all the time. But Zach's reviews have been very fair after his terrible mid season premiere review. And this is no exception. He lays out everywhere it went wrong, and trying to disagree with him on this episode is very tough.

Yeah, if you count people that came after S2 as main characters, Like Tyreese.

Yikes. This episode had a chance to be OK.

Seems like more of a hallucinagine.

Ragnars history isn't set in stone. It's only a story with him, so keeping true to history shouldn't be the main concern with him, as it is with other historically accurate characters like Rollo for example.

Phillip and Elizabeth Jennings. The Peacekeepers.

Stan and Clarke are bound to meet. Very soon.

Cochran oh Cochran. The only man who can be offensive and insensitive, while claiming to be offended and sensitive.

I don't know if you just make up stories like that, for 13 hours.

I just have a feeling since they made it a point of emphasis. 50K and the gun is yours. Then they show Jimmy give the "fell from a birds beak" defense. I just think they're setting it up for it to become an issue in the future. But who knows, maybe it's nothing.

I don't think there's any doubt that it will. And it will probably come back on Jimmy too.

I have a feeling that Mike is going to have something to do with Hector's eventual disability. Even if he ends up having a stroke or something, Mike will play a role in his demise. Hopefully. Because we all know how much Gus hated Hector, and respected Mike. Maybe that's got something to do with it.

This is one of if not the best show on TV. How many spin-offs could be this good? They have managed to completely shed the shadow of Breaking Bad, while still embracing the rich storytelling that knowing the future can give you. I don't know if I've ever watched a show where not only do I know the final outcome, but I

Definitely was an automatic. No way to fire a pistol that fast.

Yeah, that fact that we never see her in Breaking Bad, gives me hope that she stays far away from the dirt that Jimmy's bound to start rolling around in.

I agree (there it is again!) that it's admirable what she did in this episode. But, this episode isn't the first one in which they've made Kim seem like Howard's lap dog. Her standing at H.H.M never seemed firm to me, and Jimmy sees it too. He basically spent all of S1 telling her she's too good for Howard and his

Freddie Highmore is so great on this show. You can see the change in him immediately with no need for words. Without these 2 leads, this show wouldn't be much to talk about, but Norma and Norman are just incredible to watch.

I completely understand your view and I agree with it.