
The fabrication of Teresa's DNA on the bullet was obvious, the planting of the key was obvious, and the fact the the FBI was there for one reason and one reason only, to get a conviction, and not test for the truth, was obvious as well. Can't believe the Judge and Jury couldn't see that for themselves. I'm glad some

The problem with this, is that even if we're only seeing the defense's point of view, it's still enough to instill reasonable doubt. Corruption was abound in this case, and the graphic story that Kratz told, prior to the trial, started the trial with a very large predetermination of guilt before any actual evidence

They waited as long as the could, before his lawsuit against them would take full effect. That's a $36M lawsuit, a lot of money, and possibly career ending for some officers. I have a hard time believing they orchestrated the murder, but the timing of that lawsuit is certainly motive

I'm not saying he's a good guy, or even that he's totally innocent, I just don't understand how that trial could have taken place the way it did. It should've been a mistrial just based on the fact that his vile of blood was broken into and extracted out of evidence by someone in law enforcement. That alone is cause

None of it does, except what people refer to as "common sense." Don't really know how common sense gets murder convictions. The only damning evidence in my mind is the fact that she came there to take pictures that day, he called her twice from a blocked number, admitted that she was there, but then called and left a

I feel like regardless of whether or not Norman kills the real life living Norma, Vera Farmiga will still be a regular on the show, due to the fact that Norman spends most of his time with his make-believe version of his mother.

I was just assuming the didn't know the answer, why risk it all if you're unsure, but if the game is played that way, i'm sure they each felt obligated to bet it all, thinking the other person knows the answer.

I don't really understand the logic, especially if you don't know the answer to the question. All or nothing when you're not sure is strange to me, but if that's how the game is played, i'm sure they're assuming they have to bet it all to win if they're tied. Thanks.

Because the other contestants could be wrong and only wager 1 or 2K. Then her 6K bet would double her to 12K and get the win. If she stays at 6K, and the other contestants lose but only wager 3K they'd still win. Or do you automatically win if you're right and they're both wrong, regardless of money?

Ahh.. you're right about that. They just swept the son under the rug after her death. And the molesting demon, never really figured that out either. Kind of happens a lot with this show, just throw a bunch of stuff against the wall, and wrap up the the stories that matter most.

probably because they jumped 5 years into the future.

Haha! well that's a bonus.

Laurie from TWD is still getting on my nerves and she's been gone since what? S3? or maybe early S4? Can't stand her. But I will watch this, give a shot.

I always love watching these 2. The stories are always dense with so much to follow and pay attention to. Just watching Holmes and Watson go back and forth is so much fun, add Mycroft in there and the conversations alone are worth it. I completely agree that this episode spent too much time going back and forth once

Holmes : Did you call me here just to embarrass me?

Great show. Don't know how anyone could be upset with Season 1 Finale. Raylan and Boyd coming together, proving their friendship to one another. Boyd didn't even know what was going on at Raylan's hotel room, he just went there in his most vulnerable state, in search of his one true friend. Raylan of course was

didn't think to pack one

That wasn't really what I was saying. I understand that may be the argument some use. I'm just arguing against the notion that the sex and violence happen so often and are so over the top that it must be viewed "shock factor" only. I think they use it well and it services the plot whenever it happens. I don't like it,


She hasn't been that bad, pretty stoic, but not terrible. And you forget, she's not really an actress, so we shouldn't expect a lot out of her with those scenes that require a lot of anger and emotion, but when it comes to looking mysteriously evil, she's been pretty good this season.